The Eagle Overview:

The Eagle (1925) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by Clarence Brown and produced by John W. Considine Jr..

BlogHub Articles:

The Eagle and The Hawk (1933): March The WWI Flying Ace

By 4 Star Film Fan on Jun 22, 2021 From 4 Star Films

There are two elements in the opening of The Eagle and The Hawk that might catch some viewers off guard. First, is the matter of a plane landing upside down. Second, being the fact the pilot is an uncharacteristically abrasive Cary Grant. He’s still playing support to our true lead Fredric Mar... Read full article

Silent Sunday – The Eagle (1925)

By Michael on Aug 12, 2018 From Durnmoose Movie Musings

Since Sunday tends to be a day of quiet and reflection for many people, it seems an appropriate day to celebrate silent movies. But in keeping with the “day of rest” theme, I’m just going to post this without any commentary and just sit back and let you enjoy.... Read full article

The Eagle Has Landed

By Rick29 on Jul 18, 2018 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

Michael Caine as Kurt Steiner. Toward the end of World War II, Hitler commissions a "feasibility study" to determine the plausibility of kidnapping Winston Churchill. Initially, Colonel Max Radl (Robert Duvall) thinks the study is a waste of time. But as he gathers and analyzes intelligence data, R... Read full article

Pre-Code Crazy: The Eagle and the Hawk (1933)

By shadowsandsatin on Mar 11, 2018 From Shadows and Satin

If you tune in to The Eagle and the Hawk (1933) on March 24th because you’re a huge Carole Lombard fan, let me give you a tip. Lombard is in the film, but her role is small; she?s on screen less than 10 minutes, tops. ?But if you want to see a riveting pre-Code starring two first-rate actors n... Read full article

Eddie the Eagle (2016, Dexter Fletcher)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Feb 28, 2016 From The Stop Button

Eddie the Eagle is charming. It’s assured–great script from Sean Macaulay and Simon Kelton–and a wonderful sense of time and place (eighties UK and Europe, then Canada) from director Fletcher. Fletcher’s got some problems I’ll get to in a bit but Eddie’s got a phe... Read full article

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Facts about

The film was originally titled "The Black Eagle", but was changed when it was discovered that Douglas Fairbanks was producing the similarly-titled The Black Pirate.
In the scene where the camera moves along the banquet table, the table used had to be specially designed to move apart so that the camera could travel backward.
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Also directed by Clarence Brown

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Also produced by John W. Considine Jr.

More about John W. Considine Jr. >>
Also released in 1925

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