Sweet November Overview:

Sweet November (1968) was a Drama Film directed by Robert Ellis Miller and produced by Elliott Kastner and Jerry Gershwin.

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Sara Deever: You did it again, you know, you did it again.
Charlie Blake: I did what?
Sara Deever: A few minutes ago.
Charlie Blake: What, Sara, what?
Sara Deever: I had a dream, and you were in it, and then you misbehaved.
Charlie Blake: Sara, I can't be held responsible for the way I behave in your dreams.
Sara Deever: Yes you can. A dream is simply a truth that never happened. Just because it never happened doesn't mean's untrue.

Sara Deever: Aren't you impressed by bicycle tape?

Charlie Blake: I love you Sara.
Sara Deever: Oh Charlie, you said it. First time, world premier.
Charlie Blake: You know I love you.
Sara Deever: Yes but you never said it before.
Charlie Blake: In my letters I wrote it.
Sara Deever: You never, never not even once.
Charlie Blake: But it was implied in everything I do.
Sara Deever: Is it the first time that you ever said it?
Charlie Blake: Hmm?
Sara Deever: Do you know what I think Charlie? I think you really mean it.

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Also directed by Robert Ellis Miller

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Also released in 1968

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