Paint Your Wagon Overview:

Paint Your Wagon (1969) was a Comedy - Musical Film directed by Joshua Logan and produced by Alan Jay Lerner.

Academy Awards 1969 --- Ceremony Number 42 (source: AMPAS)

Best Music - ScoringAdaptation score by Nelson RiddleNominated

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Quotes from

Miner: Hey, Ben! These men came all the way from Fiddler's Camp, just to see your wife.
Ben Rumson: Well, looks like I married myself a tourist attraction.

Pardner: You're diggin' a hole.
Mad Jack: Hey, you don't miss a trick, do yah?

Mad Jack Duncan: All right.
[grabs Jacob Woodling by the beard]
Mad Jack Duncan: What about it Mormons?
Sarah Woodling: [whispering] Jacob. We need every penny, Jacob. And I can't bear another day of those martyred looks. There. There it is again!
Elizabeth: This isn't a martyred look, Sarah. This look is puuuure - hatred.
Jacob Woodling: Quiet! Brigham Young has twenty seven wives and he hasn't had half the trouble with them that I've had with the two of you!
Elizabeth: Then simplify your life, Jacob. Sell me.
Jacob Woodling: But Elizabeth: you don't know what you'll get.
Elizabeth: I know what I've had.

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Facts about

Lee Marvin was set to star in The Wild Bunch, a project that he helped put together with stuntman Roy N. Sickner, when Paramount offered him $1 million plus a percentage to star in this picture.
After five months of filming and ever-escalating budgetary and production problems, the studio fired director Joshua Logan and had assistant director Tom Shaw complete the film, without credit.
Only one number is sung by a trained singer - "They Call the Wind Maria" by Harve Presnell. (The word "Maria", spelled Maria without the H, is sung/pronounced as "Mariah".)
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