Munster, Go Home Overview:

Munster, Go Home (1966) was a Comedy - Family Film directed by Earl Bellamy .

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Quotes from

Lily Munster: Oh! Freddie Munster, you're not a very nice person!
Freddie Munster: I am a thorough rotter. Like all the Musters before me, and proud of it!

Herman: Goodbye Spot, don't eat anybody till we get back!

Grandpa Munster: Herman, I must ask Freddie where he gets his slime. It looks imported.

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Facts about

John Carradine plays a character named Cruikshank. Carradine also appeared on The Munsters TV series playing a completely different character named Mr. Gateman.
The Munsters series director Gene Reynolds was the original choice to helm this movie, but found it difficult to work with the director of photography and was fired after just a couple of days for not working fast enough (the film had to be shot in 18 to 25 days).
Released in the US in mid-summer 1966, this film was frequently double-billed with the similarly-themed The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.
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Also directed by Earl Bellamy

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Also released in 1966

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