Robert Wise Overview:

Legendary director, Robert Wise, was born Robert Earl Wise on Sep 10, 1914 in Winchester, IN. Wise died at the age of 91 on Sep 14, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA and was cremated and his ashes given to family or friend.



Robert Wise was nominated for three Academy Awards, winning one for Best Director for The Sound of Music in 1965. He also won one Honorary Award in 1966 Robert Wise .

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1941Best Film EditingCitizen Kane (1941)N/ANominated
1958Best DirectorI Want to Live! (1958)N/ANominated
1965Best DirectorThe Sound of Music (1965)N/AWon

Academy Awards (Honorary Oscars)



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

Robert Wise BlogHub Articles:

Run Silent Run Deep (1958, Robert Wise)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Jun 14, 2019 From The Stop Button

Run Silent Run Deep runs a little short. Just when the film has the most potential does it sort of shrug and finish up real quick. There?s a third act reveal and it?s a good one, but it?s not good enough the movie can end on it. Especially not after it?s just had such a strong second act. Burt Lanca... Read full article

Run Silent Run Deep (1958, Robert Wise)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Jun 14, 2019 From The Stop Button

Run Silent Run Deep runs a little short. Just when the film has the most potential does it sort of shrug and finish up real quick. There?s a third act reveal and it?s a good one, but it?s not good enough the movie can end on it. Especially not after it?s just had such a strong second act. Burt Lanca... Read full article

Run Silent Run Deep (1958, Robert Wise)

on Jun 14, 2019 From The Stop Button

Run Silent Run Deep runs a little short. Just when the film has the most potential does it sort of shrug and finish up real quick. There?s a third act reveal and it?s a good one, but it?s not good enough the movie can end on it. Especially not after it?s just had such a strong second act. Burt Lanca... Read full article

Run Silent Run Deep (1958, Robert Wise)

on Jun 14, 2019 From The Stop Button

Run Silent Run Deep runs a little short. Just when the film has the most potential does it sort of shrug and finish up real quick. There?s a third act reveal and it?s a good one, but it?s not good enough the movie can end on it. Especially not after it?s just had such a strong second act. Burt Lanca... Read full article

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951, Robert Wise)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Dec 26, 2017 From The Stop Button

The Day the Earth Stood Still opens with these sensational titles. 3D text jumping out, set against the backdrop of space, Bernard Herrmann?s score at its loudest; the titles suggest the film is going to be something grandiose. It is and it isn?t. For the first act, director Wise moves quickly, shor... Read full article

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Robert Wise Facts
After collaborating closely and happily on the editing of Citizen Kane (1941) with Orson Welles, Wise was assigned to edit The Magnificent Ambersons (1942). When Welles left the country following the filming of that film, Though Wise initially refused the assignment in respect of Welles' vision, he relented and allowed RKO put him in charge of a drastic editing of "Ambersons" that would result in a new ending and over 40 minutes of Welles' film being lost forever. For this, Welles greatly resented Wise for most of his life...until 1984, when they reconciled publicly by shaking hands on stage when the Directors Guild of America honored Welles with its Lifetime Achievement Award.

Was an avid fan of commercial Indian cinema.

When he and Jerome Robbins won the Best Director Oscar in 1962 for West Side Story (1961), it was the first time that a directing Oscar was shared among collaborators.

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