Paul Harvey Overview:

Character actor, Paul Harvey, was born Roy Paul Harvey on Sep 10, 1882 in Sandwich, IL. Harvey died at the age of 73 on Dec 5, 1955 in Los Angeles, CA .


Everything about this grey-haired, hearty American actor was large and expansive. He played solid citizens, blustering windbags, comforting fathers, district attorneys who let the hero do the legwork, dyspeptic executives and trilbied authoritarian figures behind desks. After 23 years of such roles, Harvey's long, heavy head, large ears, and solid girth were seen in perhaps their best-remembered guise, the Rev. Mr. Galsworthy in Father of the Bride and Father's Little Dividend. He was still busily acting at 72 at the time of his death from a coronary thrombosis.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Paul Harvey Quotes:

Remy Marco: But first I want you to meet some of the folks and have a little fun, you know. They're old friends of mine... great people!
Mr. Whitewood: I've met some of them already.
Remy Marco: Yeah?
Mr. Whitewood: Some rather whimsical ones.
Remy Marco: Who? Oh... , the only one who sings here is the singer. Never studied a note in his life.
Mr. Whitewood: Yes, I can hear that.

Catherine Wolff: I'm engaged!
Dudley Wolff: Engaged? What, again!
Catherine Wolff: Well, I'm not engaged exactly. You see, I'm more than engaged really.
Dudley Wolff: How can you be more than engaged?
Catherine Wolff: I'm married!
Dudley Wolff: Oh, well... Make up your mind!

Wild Bill Hickok: What started you on the warpath, Yellow Hand?
Yellow Hand: Where sun rise, white man's land. Where sun set, Indian land. White man come, take our land, kill buffalo, our food. White man promise us food. White man lie. Now Cheyenne buy white man thunder stick. Soon war drum sound in all Indian land. All tribes ride with Yellow Hand. We drive white man, like buffalo, away back to rising sun. Yellow Hand has spoken.

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Paul Harvey Fact
Stocky supporting actor who appeared in comedy on stage in 'The Awful Truth' and 'Dinner at Eight'. Came to films in his forties and tended to play supportive dads, nervous corporate types or priests (notably, Reverend Galsworthy in 'Father of the Bride' and 'Father's Little Dividend').

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