Oskar Werner Overview:

Actor, Oskar Werner, was born Oskar Josef Schliessmayer on Nov 13, 1922 in Vienna, Austria. Werner died at the age of 61 on Oct 23, 1984 in Marburg an der Lahn, Germany and was laid to rest in Triesen Cemetery in Triesen, Liechtenstein.



Although Werner was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1965Best ActorShip of Fools (1965)Dr. SchumannNominated

Oskar Werner's handprints and footprints were 'set in stone' at Grauman's Chinese Theater during imprint ceremony #96 on Dec 13, 1951.

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Oskar Werner Quotes:

Fr. David Telemond: You know even God has not spoken his last word about his own creation.

Clarisse: Is it true that a long time ago, firemen used to put out fires and not burn books?
Guy Montag: Your uncle is right, you are light in the head, put out fires? Houses have always been fireproof.
Clarisse: Ours isn't...
Guy Montag: Well, it should be condemned, destroyed, and you'll have to move to one that is.

Guy Montag: Well, it's a job just like any other. Good work with lots of variety. Monday, we burn Miller; Tuesday, Tolstoy; Wednesday, Walt Whitman; Friday, Faulkner; and Saturday and Sunday, Schopenhauer and Sartre. We burn them to ashes and then burn the ashes. That's our official motto.

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Oskar Werner Facts
For the final scene of Fahrenheit 451 (1966), he cut his hair to purposely create a continuity error. This was done to show his hatred for director François Truffaut.

He is buried in a town called Triesen in Liechtenstein.

His ex-wife, Anne Power, is the daughter of actress Annabella and her ex-husband, Jean Murat, and was adopted by Tyrone Power.

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