John Gavin Overview:

Actor, John Gavin, was born John Anthony Golenor on Apr 8, 1931 in Los Angeles, CA. Gavin died at the age of 86 on Feb 9, 2018 in Beverly Hills, CA .



Although Gavin was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1977Best WritingI Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977)N/ANominated

BlogHub Articles:

Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, , and Janet Leigh star in Alfred Hitchock’s suspense classic “Psycho”

By Stephen Reginald on Mar 19, 2024 From Classic Movie Man

Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, , and Janet Leigh star in Alfred Hitchock’s suspense classic “Psycho” Psycho (1960) is an American suspense thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, , and Janet Leigh. The supporting cast i... Read full article

The Man Who was Almost Bond:

on Feb 10, 2018 From Comet Over Hollywood

Actor From Cary Grant to Rod Taylor, we have heard of many actors that were considered to play Ian Fleming?s James Bond. And one came closer than others: . , who passed away Feb. 9, 2018, is not an actor as well-known as Grant or Sean Connery, but he was a handsome lea... Read full article

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John Gavin Quotes:

Marion Crane: Oh, we can see each other. We can even have dinner but respectably in my house with my mother's picture on the mantel and my sister helping me broil a big steak for three.
Sam Loomis: And after the steak, do we send Sister to the movies? Turn mama's picture to the wall?

Steve: Your bones...
Lora Meredith: What about my bones?
Steve: They're perfect. My camera could easily have a love affair with you.

Ernst Graeber: You're more lovely every time I see you. Only this time, you look like the next time.

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John Gavin Facts
President of Screen Actors Guild (SAG). [1971-1973]

Served as air intelligence officer with the Navy's Office of Naval Intelligence. [1952-1955]

Although he lost the part of James Bond in Diamonds Are Forever (1971), he received his full salary for the role.

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