Herbert Ross Overview:

Director, Herbert Ross, was born Herbert David Ross on May 13, 1927 in Brooklyn, New York City. Ross died at the age of 74 on Oct 9, 2001 in New York City, NY .



Although Ross was nominated for two Oscars, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1977Best PictureThe Turning PointN/ANominated
1977Best DirectorThe Turning PointN/ANominated

Herbert Ross BlogHub Articles:

Pennies from Heaven (1981, Herbert Ross)

on May 15, 2020 From The Stop Button

Pennies from Heaven is about how being a woman?particularly in the 1930s?is awful because you exist entirely for male consumption. If not sexually, then as production. The film?s supposed to be about how life?s just unfair for dreamers, in this case lead Steve Martin, who?s just trying to make the A... Read full article

The Goodbye Girl (1977, Herbert Ross)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Jan 12, 2018 From The Stop Button

The Goodbye Girl is excessively genial. Usually at the expense of lead Marsha Mason. It?s her movie too. Not hers to lose, because it?s so much her movie?she?s The Goodbye Girl?instead hers to be taken away. And take it away writer Neil Simon does. The film starts being about single mom Mason gettin... Read full article

Footloose (1984, Herbert Ross)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Dec 26, 2014 From The Stop Button

Footloose isn’t so much awful as dumb and obvious. Some of it is awful–the scene where Kevin Bacon, fed up with the small town getting him down, just has to go to an abandoned mill and dance it out–that scene is awful. So are most of the courtship scenes between Bacon and Lori Sing... Read full article

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Herbert Ross Facts
Grew up in Miami, Florida.

Former stepfather of Anthony Radziwill and Tina Radziwill.

He studied drama at HB Studio in Greenwich Village in New York City.

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