Edward Dmytryk Overview:

Director, Edward Dmytryk, was born on Sep 4, 1908 in Grand Forks, Canada. Dmytryk died at the age of 90 on Jul 1, 1999 in Encino, CA .



Although Dmytryk was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1947Best DirectorCrossfire (1947)N/ANominated

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

Edward Dmytryk BlogHub Articles:

The Three Roberts and Crossfire (Edward Dmytryk, 1947)

By Virginie Pronovost on Apr 12, 2024 From The Wonderful World of Cinema

Whenever we hear or read the term B movie, mostly negative thoughts come to our minds as this expression is often associated with cheapness. But remember that it is a designation generally used for low-budget films, productions often made quickly (due to lack of money). Sure, some B-movies are so te... Read full article

Murder, My Sweet (1944, Edward Dmytryk)

By Andrew Wickliffe on May 30, 2016 From The Stop Button

Murder, My Sweet takes a peculiar approach to the detective story. Lead Dick Powell graciously lets everyone overshadow him in scenes; he doesn’t exactly fumble his way through his investigation, but he does befuddle his way through it. He’s the audience’s point of entry into the m... Read full article

The End of the Affair (Edward Dmytryk, 1955)

By Judy on Apr 10, 2016 From Movie Classics

This is my contribution to the Beyond the Cover blogathon, hosted by Liz of Now, Voyaging and Kristina of Speakeasy, which is focusing on film adaptations of novels. Please visit and read the other entries. Graham Greene’s short novel The End of the Affair is a tale of love, jealousy,? pain an... Read full article

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Edward Dmytryk Facts
Was originally (in 1954) assigned to direct 20th Century Fox's Seven Cities of Gold (1955), but eventually Robert D. Webb directed the picture.

Later renounced and denounced Communism.

Last name properly pronounced "Dah-METT-trick."

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