Arthur Hunnicutt Overview:

Actor, Arthur Hunnicutt, was born Arthur Lee Hunnicutt on Feb 17, 1910 in Gravelly, AR. Hunnicutt died at the age of 69 on Sep 26, 1979 in Woodland Hills, CA .



Although Hunnicutt was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1952Best Supporting ActorThe Big Sky (1952)Zeb CallawayNominated

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Arthur Hunnicutt Quotes:

Capt. Quincy Wyatt: They still don't like fightin' at night. But they'll come a hootin' and a hollerin' at dawn!
Monk: It makes me fonder than ever of moonshine.

Jim Deakins: [Watching Boone play with the Indian scalp and annoyed with him for leaving Teal-Eye] Playing with that scalp again. Whatd'ya give him that fer? That were a fool thing to do.
Zeb Calloway: Worse than that, whole story were a lie.
Jim Deakins: What!
Zeb Calloway: His brother weren't killed by no injun atall, fell in the river and drowned.
Jim Deakins: Huh... He wouldn't believe that!
Zeb Calloway: Nobody would. I just talk too much.

Zeb Calloway: [narrating] Ain't it funny. Two men is friends. Then a girl comes along an... an pretty soon they ain't friends no more. And now with one of 'em walking out on what the other'n would give his right arm for, I kept wondering what they would do to settle it.

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