Them! Overview:

Them! (1954) was a Science Fiction - Horror Film directed by Gordon Douglas and produced by David Weisbart.


Atomic radiation once again transforms tiny harmless creatures into gigantic holy terrors. Probably the best of the '50s Cold War paranoia phenomenon, this top-notch thriller presents giant ants spawned by nuclear testing using the sewer systems of Los Angeles like a vast ant farm. Ant expert Gwenn and his daughter Weldon direct the efforts and Whitmore makes sure they go in but they don't come out. Stellar effects and dignified performances make this better than average.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


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Quotes from

Robert Graham: And I thought today was the end of them.
Dr. Harold Medford: No. We haven't seen the end of them. We've only had a close view of the beginning of what may be the end of us.

Robert Graham: Is's the only job you ever had?
Railroad Yard Watchman: Yes, sir. I've been with the railroad thirty years and never a blot against my record.
Robert Graham: Well, the yard cop seems to think you made a deal not to see that car broken into.
Railroad Yard Watchman: Pfah! What kind of sense does that make? Is sugar a rare cargo? Is there a black market for it? Did you ever hear of a fence for hot sugar? If I was gonna make a deal with crooks to steal somethin', it wouldn't be for forty tons of sugar. And I'll swear I didn't hear a thing Friday night.

Dr. Harold Medford: None of the ants previously seen by man were more than an inch in length - most considerably under that size. But even the most minute of them have an instinct and talent for industry, social organization, and savagery that makes man look feeble by comparison.

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Facts about

Leonard Nimoy:  the soldier who reads the wire copy story about the pilot being held in a mental hospital in Texas.
Because of their height difference, James Whitmore was forced to wear lifts in his shoes to make it appear that he was the same height as James Arness.
The flamethrowers used in the movie were standard World War 2 weapons and were loaned by the US Army. The actors handling the weapons were WW2 combat veterans who had actually used them in battle.
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