The Love Bug Overview:

The Love Bug (1968) was a Comedy - Family Film directed by Robert Stevenson and produced by Bill Walsh.

BlogHub Articles:

The Love Bug (1968)

on Apr 28, 2014 From Journeys in Classic Film

The last production Walt Disney greenlit, The Love Bug was the perfect movie to help?audiences sit down and tune out during the chaotic year of?1968. ?The story of a little bug with a spunky personality perservering against the wealthy corporate drudge is a tale as old as time…but those other ... Read full article

The Love Bug

By Chris on Jul 26, 2013 From Family Friendly Reviews

Family-Friendly Rating: “Avoidable” just for being boring and out-dated, but there are many who disagree with me. I had some memory of seeing Herbie The Love Bug at some point in my childhood and was looking forward to seeing this again. Maybe I went in with my expectations too high. T... Read full article

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Quotes from

[during the big race, Thorndyke's car bumps Herbie off the road and down a hill]
Havershaw: What happened to it?
Mr. Thorndyke: I'd say it's gone for that last big lube job up yonder.

Carole: Have you had much experience with cars?
Jim Douglas: Look, lady, by profession, I'm a racing driver.
Carole: Oh, *that* Jim Douglas.
Jim Douglas: What do you mean, "*that* Jim Douglas"?
Carole: Let's see, two years ago, at Laguna Seca, you spun out and hung a beautiful Buick Special on the back fence. At Willow Springs, was it a year ago... last February, you sprayed a Lotus all over the infield.
Jim Douglas: How do you know all that?
Carole: I have trouble with names and faces, but I never forget a car.

Tennessee Steinmetz: [Thorndyke's car blares by, with a bear sitting in Havershaw's place in the passenger seat] Who's the guy in the fur-coat?

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Facts about

The yellow "Thorndike Special" was an Apollo GT. Apollos were built in Pasadena, California. The body shells were fabricated in Italy and shipped to the US, where aluminum Buick 215 CID V8 engines were installed. The same company later made another sports car called the Intermeccanica Italia. One of these appears in the Disney movie The Million Dollar Duck.
Dean Jones credits the film's success to the fact that it was the last live-action film that Walt Disney had authorized for production.
Herbie The Love Bug was a 1963 Volkswagen Beetle deluxe ragtop sedan painted in Volkswagen L87 pearl white. Under normal circumstances, the interior would be a matching white. However, Herbie's interior was painted a special non-reflective grey color so the camera and studio lights would not reflect.
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