The Honey Pot Overview:

The Honey Pot (1967) was a Comedy - Crime Film directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and produced by Charles K. Feldman.

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The Honey Pot (1967)

By Angela on Aug 23, 2013 From Hollywood Revue

After catching a performance of the play “Volpone,” Cecil Fox (Rex Harrison) has the idea of playing a prank on some of his former lovers.? He decides to send letters to three of his former lovers — actress Merle McGill (Edie Adams), Princess Dominique (Capucine), and his common la... Read full article

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Quotes from

William McFly: What will you drink, ladies?
Mrs. Sheridan: Root beer.
William McFly: Well, I'm afraid we haven't any...
Mrs. Sheridan: [Cutting him off] Of course not! Billions of dollars exporting the American way of life, and most of the world still never heard of root beer!

Merle McGill: I guess it must be hard for you to understand, Inspector, a man like me and Cecil Fox.
Inspector Rizzi: Not hard at all.
Merle McGill: But how can I say it, Inspector... He was my first... man. Somehow you just never forget your first man.
Inspector Rizzi: I remember mine - vividly.
[Merle throws him a curious glance]
Inspector Rizzi: He also got away.

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Facts about

Anne Bancroft was originally cast as Merle McGill, but she turned it down for a stage role.
Three dream sequences were filmed (though ultimately scrapped) of the women fantasizing Cecil's death and their inheritance.
'Joseph L. Mankiewicz'' first script contained several novelties that never made it to the screen. Among them was a series of memos from a theater-chain owner (made to look as though they had been slipped in front of the projector) that commented on the action taking place. Also, there was to have been a running argument (resembling backstage squabbling) between a theater manager and the actor playing Cecil over such things as lines and cues.
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Also directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz

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Also produced by Charles K. Feldman

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Also released in 1967

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