The Carson City Kid Overview:

The Carson City Kid (1940) was a Action Film directed by Joseph Kane and produced by Joseph Kane.

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Townsman looking at reward poster: I saw a big reward sign go up in Hangtown once. Shucks, they brought in sixteen corpses the first week... and there wasn't any of 'em that even looked like the fella!

Marshal Gabby Whitaker: I bet your head feels bigger than an overgrown pumpkin.
Scott 'Arizona' Warren: Oh, it does.
Marshal Gabby Whitaker: I got just the cure for it - an injun remedy. Chief Sitting Bull himself gave me the recipe for learning him how to follow a trail. It cures aches, pains, bunions, calluses, galloping consumption and the seven year itch.

Lee Jessup: We're getting a posse together. We'll stop him before he gets started!

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Also directed by Joseph Kane

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Also produced by Joseph Kane

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Also released in 1940

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