Payment Deferred Overview:

Payment Deferred (1932) was a Drama - Crime Film directed by Lothar Mendes .

BlogHub Articles:

Payment Deferred (1932)

By Angela on Aug 8, 2011 From Hollywood Revue

William Marble’s (Charles Laughton) financial problems are hardly a secret.? He can’t go anywhere without someone asking him to pay up on a bill or someone whispering about how he can’t afford to buy his own drinks.? Things really come to a head when his boss finds out about a laws... Read full article

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Quotes from

Marguerite Collins: Here I am, tied to a little shop. Ah well. We must try to smile, eh? But it is lonely. My husband is in a hospital in France. The war.
William Marble: Where was he wounded?
Marguerite Collins: Ohhh...
[shakes head]
Marguerite Collins: . That I cannot tell you. Oh, it is terrible!

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Facts about

"Theater Guild on the Air" broadcast a 60 minute radio adaptation of the movie on May 12, 1946 with Charles Laughton reprising his film role.
"Theater Guild on the Air" broadcast a 60 minute radio adaptation of the movie on February 27, 1949 with Charles Laughton again reprising his film role.
The play opened on Broadway in New York City, New York on 30 September 1931 and ran for 70 performances. Charles Laughton originated the role of William Marble. Also in the cast were Elsa Lanchester and Lionel Pape. 5 dialogue cuts to remove suggestive remarks were made for the 1939 re-release. Some censors eliminated references to cyanide before allowing the showing of the movie.
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Also directed by Lothar Mendes

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Also released in 1932

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