Alexander the Great Overview:

Alexander the Great (1956) was a Historical - Drama Film directed by Robert Rossen and produced by Robert Rossen and Gordon Griffith.

BlogHub Articles:

Alexander the Great (1963, Phil Karlson)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Jun 11, 2017 From The Stop Button

Had Alexander the Great gone to series instead of just being a passed over pilot and footnote in many recognizable actors filmographies, it seems likely the series would?ve had William Shatner?s Alexander continue his conquest of the Persian Empire. The pilot is this strange mix of occasional action... Read full article

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Quotes from

Philip of Macedonia: There's work to do. Farewell, Aristotle.
Aristotle: Farewell - and take these words with you and use them for what they are worth: Alexander is many things. He is logic, and he is dreams. He is warrior, and he is poet. He is man, and he is spirit. He is your son, but he's also *hers*... and he believes himself to be a god.

Philip of Macedonia: Alexander, you have my temper.
Alexander: I know.
Philip of Macedonia: And my ambition, more I think. Alexandroplis? At least wait until I die first. HAHAHAHA!

Olympias: [rocking the infant Alexander in his cradle ] Alexander... Alexander... Achilles, too, was born of a god... and at his birth, it was foretold that he would be greater than his father... and he was*. And this destiny shall be yours too, Alexander...

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Facts about

Helmut Dantine's role is dubbed by Christopher Lee (uncredited).
Rossen shot the film to run three hours plus an intermission and was very disappointed when the producers cut it to 141 minutes.
Although Richard Burton was only 29 at the time of filming, many critics felt he already looked too old to play Alexander.
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