Albert Finney

Albert Finney
(as Tom Jones)

Honor: [after the hunt, Tom Jones, injured, lies on a bed with Honor and Sophie tending to him. He pretends to be asleep] Look at him, ma'am. He's the most handsome man I ever saw in my life.
Sophie Western: Why, Honor! I do believe you're in love with him!
Honor: I assure you, ma'am, I'm not.
Sophie Western: If you were, I see no reason that you should be ashamed of it... for he certainly is a handsome fellow.
Honor: That he is. The most handsome man I ever saw in my life. And as you say, ma'am, I don't know why I should be ashamed of looking at him, even though he is my better. For gentle folk are but flesh and blood like other persons. I am an honest person's child, and my mother and father were married, which is more than some people can say as high as they hold their heads.
Sophie Western: [Shocked at her comments] Honor!
Honor: [while Honor continues talking, Tom Jones shows signs of awakening from his feigned sleep] My grandfather was a clergyman and he would have been very angry to have thought any of his family had taken up with Molly Seagrim's leavings... Why, ma'am, the young gentleman is awake.
Sophie Western: Yes, you've awakened him with your foolish chatter.
Tom Jones: I feel awake for the first time ever.

