Dana Andrews

Dana Andrews

Dr. Julian Karswell: Ha ha, snakes and ladders. An English game, you wouldn't know it. You see, if you land at the foot of the ladder you climb all the way to the top. But if you land on the head of the snake, you slide all the way down again. Funny thing, I always preferred sliding down the snakes to climbing up the ladders. You're a doctor of psychology, you ought to know the answer to that.
Dr. John Holden: Maybe you're a good loser.
Dr. Julian Karswell: I'm not, you know. Not a bit of it.

Dana Andrews

Dana Andrews

Dr. Julian Karswell: Listen, mother. You believe in the supernatural. I've shown you some of its power and some of its danger.
Mrs. Karswell: Yes, Julian.
Dr. Julian Karswell: Well, believe this also. You get nothing for nothing. This house, the land, the way we live. Nothing for nothing. My followers who pay for this do it out of fear. And I do what I do out of fear also. It's part of the price.
Mrs. Karswell: But if it makes you unhappy. Stop it. Give it back.
Dr. Julian Karswell: How can you give back life? I can't stop it. I can't give it back. I can't let anyone destroy this thing. I must protect myself. Because if it's not someone else's life, it'll be mine. Do you understand, mother? It'll be mine.

Dana Andrews

Dana Andrews

Dr. Julian Karswell: You get nothing for nothing.

Dana Andrews

Dana Andrews

Mrs. Meek: Don't turn the light on, he's in a trance!
Dr. John Holden: Trance my eye.
Mr. Meek: Maggie, I feel sick.
Dr. John Holden: You're not the only one.

