Ten Tall Men

Ten Tall Men

Cpl. Pierre Molier: We can't let him go to a wedding like that.
Cpl. Luis Delgado: The least we can do is to get him a Riff outfit. Hey, Mike!
Roshko: I don't know Little Mouse. I haven't been invited.
Mouse: That's OK, Roshko. I invite you.
Kurt: Weddings always make me cry.
Lustig: That I gotta see.

--Ian MacDonald (as Lustig) in Ten Tall Men

Show Boat

Show Boat

Drunken sport: [on hearing Magnolia try to sing at the Trocadero] Take her back to the river... hee, hee, hee!

--Ian MacDonald (as Drunken Sport) in Show Boat



Massai: Apaches are warriors, not farmers.
Clagg: You have seen the world of the white man...their numbers are like leaves on the trees. That taught you nothing? The warriors' day is over. Once we Cherokees were like the Apaches. We feasted when the hunting was good. We starved when it was bad. But the white man ate all year around...because he raised his own food. We found we could live with the white man...only if we live like him.

--Ian MacDonald (as Clagg) in Apache



Massai: If the Cherokee is like the white man, then he is Massai's enemy.
Clagg: I am the enemy of no man.
Massai: Then the Cherokee is a woman!
Clagg: I am no woman! My people have fought the white man many times but have always been driven west. First from a place called Carolina, then the land of Tennessee and then at last to Oklahoma. But there our chiefs grew wise. They did not fight and they did not run.
Massai: Neither does the turtle.
Clagg: Are you afraid of the turtle? Then put your knife away.

--Ian MacDonald (as Clagg) in Apache



Massai: You have a woman and yet you carry the water?
Clagg: Some of the white man's ways are hard.

--Ian MacDonald (as Clagg) in Apache
