Tyrone Power was set to star with Gene Tierney. This would have been the fourth time they appeared on screen. When Tierney was dropped from production Power dropped out.

Howard Da Silva also appeared in the 1974 film version of The Great Gatsby as the gangster Meyer Wolfsheim.

Gene Tierney was set to play Daisy but deemed to beautiful for the role.

One of over 700 Paramount Productions, filmed between 1929 and 1949, which were sold to MCA/Universal in 1958 for television distribution, and have been owned and controlled by Universal ever since. However, because of legal complications, this particular title was not included in the original television package and may not have ever been televised, at least not until many years afterward.

The Broadway production of "The Great Gatsby" by Owen Davis based on the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald opened at the Ambassador Theater on February 2, 1926, ran for 112 performances and directed by future movie director George Cukor.
