Win tickets to see “White Christmas” on the big screen!
In Select Cinemas Nationwide Sun Dec 9 and Wed Dec 12!
“How can a guy THAT ugly have the nerve to have sisters?”
CMH continues into our 3rd year of our partnership with Fathom Events – with the 13th of our 13 movie ticket giveaways for 2018, courtesy of Fathom Events!
That said, we’ll be giving away EIGHT PAIRS of tickets to see “TCM Big Screen Classics: White Christmas” – starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen — the way it was meant to be seen – on the Big Screen!
In order to qualify to win a pair of movie tickets via this contest, you must complete the below entry task by Saturday, November 24 at 6 PM EST.
We will announce the winner(s) on Twitter on Sunday, November 25, between 6PM EST and 7PM EST. If a winner(s) does not have a Twitter account, we will announce that winner(s) via this blog in the comment section below.
The film will be playing in select cinemas nationwide for a special two-day-only event on Sunday, December 9 and Wednesday, December 12 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. local time. Winners will be responsible for their own transportation to the Event. Only United States entries are eligible. Please click here before you enter to ensure that the Event is scheduled at a theater near you and that you are able to attend. (please note that there might be slightly different theater listings for each date)
ENTRY TASK (2-parts) to be completed by Saturday, November 24 at 6PM EST…
1) Answer the below question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog post
What is it about “White Christmas” that makes it a classic? And, if you haven’t seen it, why do you want to see it on the Big Screen?
2) Then TWEET* (not DM) the following message:
I just entered to win tickets to see “TCM Big Screen Classics Presents: White Christmas” on the Big Screen courtesy of @ClassicMovieHub & @FathomEvents #EnterToWin #CMHContest link here:
*If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can still enter the contest by simply answering the above question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog — BUT PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ADD THIS VERBIAGE TO YOUR ANSWER: I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
NOTE: if for any reason you encounter a problem commenting here on this blog, please feel free to tweet or DM us, or send an email to clas… and we will be happy to create the entry for you.
ALSO: Please allow us 48 hours to approve your comments. Sorry about that, but we are being overwhelmed with spam, and must sort through 100s of comments…
About the film: Two talented song-and-dance men (Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye) team up after the war to become one of the hottest acts in show business. One winter they join forces with a sister act (Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen) and trek to Vermont for a white Christmas. The result is stuff dreams are made of. This two-day event includes exclusive insight from Turner Classic Movies.
Please note that only United States residents are eligible to enter this giveaway contest. (see contest rules for further information)
BlogHub members ARE also eligible to win if they live within the Continental United States (as noted above).
You can follow Fathom Events on Twitter at @fathomevents
Good Luck!
–Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub
Bing Crosby! Rosemary Clooney! Irving Berlin!
Classic, classic, classic!
Hope I win!!! Will be seeing this on the big screen in December!!
Of course Bing Crosby singing “White Christmas” is as classic as it gets. Also, the Sisters number is one of my favorites. LOVE LOVE LOVE classic Hollywood musicals! I took the TCM course in June and it was the absolute best! It would be a big Christmas treat to see it on the silver screen.
Thank you :]
I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
Can’t wait to see it on the Big Screen… Thanks so much for entering and Good Luck
All the talent involved, especially the music of Irving Berlin. As for seeing it on the big screen, I have a friend I’m introducing to classic films, and he’s wary of musicals. This is one he’d enjoy.
I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
Love Irving Berlin, and think it’s going to be great on the Big Screen… Thanks so much for entering and Good Luck
I love White Christmas. Love, love, love. I am on the Danny Kaye and Vera Ellen team. I love watching her dance, and I love the dance they do together at the club in Florida. The best things happen while you’re dancing! Though I also love watching the close up of her foot tap dancing. Chaps! Who do taps! And then there’s the Mutual I’m sure girl. And the colonel’s granddaughter. I have a fantasy that the theater bug bites her because of the White Christmas gang, and she runs off to NYC with George Maharis to be a dancer, only their love affair goes awry and she ends up broke and alone in the Village with an alcoholic poet when one day Danny Kaye is walking down the street and passes her and recognizes her even though she’s all beaten down and shabby and he stops and says, “Susan? What’s happened to you?” and she belts out a killer version of “Love, you didn’t do right by me…” and … um … oops. Well, you get the idea. Too bad they didn’t come to me for sequel ideas!
White Christmas is a classic because of the people involved, the music, the classic story line, the heart of encouraging one another and honoring our servicemen. It is a personal favorite that has been seen more times than I can count at home. I have enjoyed it on the stage and am very excited to see it in the theater this December!
My mother was loved musicals (even playing piano for a band in the ’40s) and this was one of her favorites. Both Crosby and Kaye are in top form here, with a wonderful soundtrack and great performances all around. The songs by Irving Berlin, many taken from the earlier “Holiday Inn” are classics that are still heard during the holidays.
The best thing about White Christmas is the music, the dancing, the technicolor. I love it all! I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
Thanks so much for entering and Good Luck
For me, White Christmas is so memorable due to its heartwarming characters. While many remember White Christmas for its title song, I always tear up at the “We’ll Follow the Old Man” toward the end of the flick.
I think what makes White Christmas a classic is the music. Irving Berlin’s title song that was so good it deserved to have a film created for it just goes to show how to song can withstand the test of time. And to have Bing Crosby sing it again after singing it in Holiday Inn solidifies the perfect match between Crosby’s voice and Berlin’s lyrics. The music absolutely makes this film a classic.
I adore this movie. It’s one of the few that I must watch every holiday season. (I love its predecessor, Holiday Inn, as well) My husband gave me the book version, which included a CD of Bing Crosby singing “White Christmas,” our first Christmas together.
Oh my goodness! I LOVE this movie! Best Christmas musical ever! Love the songs, can sing along to all of them. Snow, snow, snow is my favorite! The classic Actors are of course incredible in this movie! So looking forward to seeing it on the big screen.
I do not have a twitter account so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
Thanks so much for entering and Good Luck
Of course I want to see this in “the theatre.. the theatre”! Our home theater library has this twice – on disc! DVD and Laser! Genius of Berlin, snappy lines (Nah, that’s for amateurs – I use steam.. or, You might’ve been stuck with this weirdsmobile for life!).. there’s no denying the status of White Christmas! “Mutual, I’m sure”
White Christmas is a classic because of the combination of Irving Berlin music, an amazing cast (Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney!), and the most fabulous Mid-Century sets and costume. I love the look of this movie as well as the sound of it.
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Many ingredients of the movie “White Christmas” blend together to create a true American classic. The movie begins on a Christmas Eve showing us Bing Crosby singing White Christmas to war weary WWII American GIs still stationed in Europe & clearly what every single man is dreaming of is right back at home in the US of A. The platoon then all sing a rousing song to send off their beloved, seemingly gruff, steadfast and strong leader, the Major General. The rest that follows is right out of The American Dream Playbook: chance encounter equals professional dream come true & success, love stories where ‘boy meets girl, loses girl, gets girl’, a little suspense before it turns out okay thanks to American know-how & can-do attitude, “the gang” gets together & with some pluck, saves the day for the underdog and finally in the idyllic setting, snow falls and it really feels like Christmas-time. Singing and dancing to Irving Berlin’s American Standards, it’s a heartfelt comedy with something for everyone.
What makes White Christmas a classic is honestly the actors. Set during WWII and also filmed after WWII, just having a lively song and dance movie set during the most wonderful time of the year is something people need. I think it’s popularity has risen the past few years because it’s so joyful in times we need it most.
Oh my goodness, White Christmas is a classic among classics…the beautful colors, dresses, songs, I love everything about it. I imagine seeing it on the big screen is an experience everyone would love. Even the Grinch or Scrooge.
Ahhhhhh, escaping to Vermont for a couple of hours and seeing the amazing talent of Bing, Danny, Rosemary and Vera-Ellen….sounds like heaven!
It’s a musical, a romantic comedy all rolled up into one that makes you feel good. Many people feel alone or are away from loved ones especially during the holiday season. This film showcases those issues and remembers to include those loved ones who can’t be with us with songs like “White Christmas” and “Count your Blessings” And i have always felt it has paid tribute to the thousands of soldiers who can’t be home for the holidays.
I absolutely Love White Christmas. History of the Film, Fred Astaire was asked 1st but he thought the movie was going to be cheesy so, he bowed out. The New Addition was the Fabulous Danny Kaye who danced to perfection. The ladies Rosemary Clooney & Vera-Ellen were the perfect cast as The Sisters, who were most devoted Sisters.
And the Music, Choreography, Dancing, and Costumes were perfection. How could you not Love Bing and Danny Lip Synching to Sisters? Danny was the best Comedian ever. Bing’s laugh was natural here. I read they did this in one take.
My memory of this film recently. I saw Fathom event in 2014. While, I was watching, I could’ve sworn somebody was holding my hand. nobody was sitting next to me on right side. Christmas Miracle it was. My dad was there. He Loved this Movie . Bing , Danny and Rosemary were among his favorites. A Young George Chakiris before West Side Story dances with Rosemary. Trivia also that Rosemary was expecting her’s & Jose Ferrer’s 1st child during filming. She was truly radiant. I would Love to See this Movie again with my Devoted Sister.
My Favorite parts were Danny dancing with Vera-Ellen, Insomniacs Bing and Rosemary “Counting their Blessings”, Sisters Both Versions, Singing to their Captain @ The Show, and The Glorious Finale, White Christmas. It Was so Beautiful. No Film Today Could Ever Match it.
While they are no longer with Us, the Cast of this Film left us Beautiful SEntimental Memories that will last a lifetime.
Bing Crosby for one and Rosemary Clooney for a second reason why this is a classic and always will be a classic. “White Christmas” is also one of my favorite Christmas songs. Irving Berlin is and always will be a genius. The storyline makes it so that the whole family can watch it together. It is heartfelt and has an incredible sense of humor to it.
White Christmas is full of awesome song and dance routines, great one-liners, and a little bit of romance. Something for everyone, and a must-watch for families at Christmas.
I am a fan of classic movies. I think Bing Crosby has a beautiful voice and I have seen him in a few films. This film I haven’t seen it but I would like to and why not on the big screen. I saw “Singing in The Rain” through fathom events and I loved it.
Hi Christiana, I can’t seem to find your tweet. Could you please confirm that you tweeted, or let me know if you don’t have a twitter account, or if your twitter account is private. Thanks so much
Oops, just found your tweet! Thanks, you are officially entered
There are so many things that make it a ‘classic’….the storyline, the music, the rich, vivid color, the star, the supporting cast. The sentiment is another factor. For me? Two words. Oh, okay, FOUR words: Vera Ellen, Mary Wickes.
Hi John, I can’t seem to find your tweet. Could you please confirm that you tweeted, or let me know if you don’t have a twitter account, or if your twitter account is private. Thanks so much
What makes White Christmas a classic is Irving Berlin’s musical touch, brought to life by the lead actors, but specifically, Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby; Bing Crosby is Christmas, most likely due to his rendition of White Christmas. This film is a musical, and musicals of this caliber are just not made anymore, which adds to it’s loveable nature. I’d love to get the chance to see and hear the numbers on the big screen, it’d feel like I was transported to 1954.
I cannot begin to explain my love for White Christmas! It is a famy tradition to watch it as often as we can during the holiday season. My sister and I even have Sisters as our ringtone on each others’ phones.
This movie is a classic because it is a perfect movie in every way. The songs are iconic and you can’t help but sing a long. I would absolutely LOVE to see it on the big screen!!
Timeless song and dance
Holiday romance…
What’s not to love?
White Christmas is the one movie I look forward to each year
White Christmas is up there with The Sound of Music as a film I will rewatch over and over again until I die. It is my family’s favorite film; one we watch every Christmas day, no exceptions. We know every word of the film by heart, lyrics and dialogue alike. It is a film with so much joy and happiness…they just don’t make films like this anymore (a cliche that is true!) The reason I want to see it on the big screen is because, as many times as I’ve seen it, I have never seen it at a movie theatre! Cheers!!
Entering on behalf of Linda M on Facebook:
I’m entering here because I don’t have a Twitter account so please enter me for the free White Christmas contest cause “when I’m tired and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep……”
Why do I ♥️ White Christmas? The magnificent dancing, festive music, vibrant costumes and the ultra talented Crosby, Clooney, Ellen & Kaye!

“White Christmas” is a classic because the story is solid and well written, the direction is superb, music and choreography are excellent, the actors and actresses are masters of their craft, the wardrobe is superior and this first movie in wide screen format is brilliantly alive with color and texture. It is a favorite of ours that begins the Christmas season for us each year.
It’s the music and, in a time when some of our leaders hate our Veterans, it never fails to make me cry when the General is reunited with his men. “Niagara Falls, Frankie Angel” . Beautiful storytelling. Oh, and I am endlessly fascinated by the costuming, most notably Danny Kaye’s gray pants and gray shoes
White Christmas is the one movie the entire family will sit down and watch on Christmas Eve without another screen in hand, so more than anything, that movie represents family togetherness. There is humor, with the sisters scene, great songs (Count Your Blessings, Snow), astonishing dancing (When We’re Dancing), heck, some vaudeville, and of course the first finale, White Christmas. And I was an infantryman, far from home during Christmas, so the opening scene has always been especially poignant to me. Definitely my favorite Christmas movie.
White Christmas is a classic because it’s a movie that we revisit every single year. It’s timeless! I would love to see it on the big screen!
White Christmas is one of THE most beloved Christmas classics because of the music, the dance, the jokes, the serious undertones, the amazing wardrobe, the cinematography, and most importantly – its stellar cast. Bing Crosby was already known for his Christmas music and other holiday movies, adding Danny Kay, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Allen was the icing on the cake. I have both the VHS and DVD versions of this movie and would love to see it on the big screen. It’s one movie I can watch over and over and never tire of.
I think White Christmas is a Classic because at its core the message is loyalty, honor, friendship, love, sacrifice, relationships. In simple terms, living life beyond self. Being courageous in all types of situations. No matter how these characters try not to be serious with the use of scriptural wit, the writers always keep the tone true. These are real people with real problems. There is a problem that everyone can claim for there own. Even the guy whose uniform has “shrunk” has a relatable issue.
The music is the soundtrack to their lives. The color relates how vivid life can be. In the end, we believe in a White Christmas.
White Christmas is a classic because of its timeless vibrancy and message. It resonates with multiple generations in my family and we are all thrilled about it being offered as a Fathom event. I first saw White Christmas around age 5 at my grandmother’s house while my sister and I helped my grandmother decorate her tree. My sister and I loved to recreate the scenes (especially the “Sisters” number, of course) as girls-I was always Judy and she was Betty. I think it is a classic because it has the perfect combination of superb acting, a heartwarming plot, and top notch musical numbers. It’s an annual tradition to watch at home and I’d love to experience White Christmas on the big screen with my family this holiday season.
I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
Isn’t it wonderful — the fond memories we have associated with these classics! Thanks so much for entering and Good Luck