Win tickets to see “The Sound of Music” on the Big Screen!
In Select Cinemas Nationwide Sun Sept 9 and Wed Sept 12!
“Silver white winters that melt into springs, these are a few of my favorite things”
CMH continues into our 3rd year of our partnership with Fathom Events – with the 11th of our movie ticket giveaways for 2018, courtesy of Fathom Events!
That said, we’ll be giving away EIGHT PAIRS of tickets to see “TCM Big Screen Classics: The Sound of Music” – Robert Wise’s timeless adaptation of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical — the way it was meant to be seen – on the Big Screen!
In order to qualify to win a pair of movie tickets via this contest, you must complete the below entry task by Saturday, August 25 at 6 PM EST.
We will announce the winner(s) on Twitter on Sunday, August 26, between 6PM EST and 7PM EST. If a winner(s) does not have a Twitter account, we will announce that winner(s) via this blog in the comment section below.
The film will be playing in select cinemas nationwide for a special two-day-only event on Sunday, Sept 9 and Wednesday, Sept 12 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. local time. Winners will be responsible for their own transportation to the Event. Only United States entries are eligible. Please click here before you enter to ensure that the Event is scheduled at a theater near you and that you are able to attend. (please note that there might be slightly different theater listings for each date)
ENTRY TASK (2-parts) to be completed by Saturday, Aug 25 at 6PM EST…
1) Answer the below question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog post
What do you love most about “The Sound of Music”? And, if you haven’t seen it, why do you want to see it on the Big Screen?
2) Then TWEET* (not DM) the following message:
I just entered to win tickets to see “TCM Big Screen Classics Presents: The Sound of Music” on the Big Screen courtesy of @ClassicMovieHub & @FathomEvents #EnterToWin #CMHContest link here:
*If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can still enter the contest by simply answering the above question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog — BUT PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ADD THIS VERBIAGE TO YOUR ANSWER: I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
NOTE: if for any reason you encounter a problem commenting here on this blog, please feel free to tweet or DM us, or send an email to clas… and we will be happy to create the entry for you.
ALSO: Please allow us 48 hours to approve your comments. Sorry about that, but we are being overwhelmed with spam, and must sort through 100s of comments…
About the film: Rodgers & Hammerstein’s® cinematic treasure, “The Sound of Music” is the winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. In this true-life story, Julie Andrews lights up the screen as Maria, a spirited young Austrian woman who leaves the convent to become a governess for Captain von Trapp’s (Christopher Plummer) seven unruly children. Her charm and songs soon win the hearts of the children – and their father. But when Nazi Germany unites with Austria, Maria is forced to attempt a daring escape with her new family. This special event includes exclusive insight from Turner Classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz.
Please note that only United States residents are eligible to enter this giveaway contest. (see contest rules for further information)
BlogHub members ARE also eligible to win if they live within the Continental United States (as noted above).
You can follow Fathom Events on Twitter at @fathomevents
Good Luck!
–Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub
What do you love most about “The Sound of Music”? The music and locations!!
And, if you haven’t seen it, why do you want to see it on the Big Screen? My wife adores this film and I would love to surprise her with tickets to see it together!!
I love the heartwarming story, cute kids, and the fact that my kids and I love watching it together!
The Sound of Music is such a classic… amazing true story of courage, family and love, and the soundtrack always moves me to tears. One of my all time favorites!
This was the first movie I ever saw. My grandmother took me as a small child. I love Julie Andrew’s voice, the scenery, and the Captain.
I love the sweeping views of Austria, which will look incredible on the big screen!!
What I love most about “The Sound of Music” is Julie Andrews’s singing of the classic songs from Rodgers and Hammerstein. Every time I see her singing title song at the beginning of the movie with the camera zooming in on her from above, it’s amazing!!! The second thing I love about the movie is the cast singing Do-Re-Mi. It’s so exhilarating to see. I love when Julie finishes singing the song by walking up the steps of one the palaces in Salzburg and singing in an octave higher to finish the song.
I love the music and the scenery in this classic movie! I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
i enjoy the cinematography most about the Sound of Music.
What is not to love about the movie? The songs are incredibly catchy and wonderfully performed, the acting is superb. The story is one of courage and triumph and love, in a time when the world was a hard place. My favorite part has to be when the two nuns reveal the car parts they took out of the nazis cars. So funny! This has been my husbands favorite movie since he was three years old. We won’t miss this one in the theaters!
I do not have a twitter account so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
What do I love most about “The Sound of Music”? The sound of the music! I love singing along. (I apologize in advance to those who might be viewing the movie with me.)
* I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message. *
LOL! It would be very difficult not to sing along
Thanks for entering and Good Luck!
I love The Sound of Music because I grew up with it. I first watched it at my grandparents’ house when I was little and I’ve never stopped enjoying it. When I was in 6th grade I had to do a country report, and I picked Austria because of this movie! I love the music, heartwarming story, and beautiful cinematography.
I love the music, the costumes, the sets, the scenery, the cast. These are a few of my favorite thing! LOL All these many years and the countless times I have seen this movie, and it’s still as magical to me as when I was a young girl. Still will turn it into a sing-a-long with friends. You can’t help but to sing.
The unforgettable Rodgers & Hammerstein score, gorgeous Austrian locations, Julie Andrews as the coolest nun that ever lived, and Christopher Plummer at peak hotness!! <3 One of my all-time favorites since childhood.
What I love most about the sound of music is that it’s timeless the beautiful scenery, the catchy songs and I can watch it over and over!
What do you love most about “The Sound of Music”? – For me…’s the music and the songs. You can hear just a few strands from one of those songs and you’re instantly taken back to that specific scene where it happened. NOTHING about the music from this film gets old. Heck – even Gwen Steffani though so too!!
The Sound of Music has always connected my family. We’ve watched it together for as long as I can remember. The scenery is gorgeous, the love story is perfect, the music magnificent…I love everything about it. “Confidence” never fails to make me feel like I have a grip on life.
What I love the most about ‘The Sound of Music’ is everything. The story, the music, the location, all of it. It’s a fun, exciting, beautiful film. I can only imagine what it looks like on the big screen.
What’s not to love about The Sound of Music? It’s a classic! I love the music, the cast, the scenery…the list goes on and on.
Maybe a big-screen viewing will reveal the secret: How DO you solve a problem like Maria? {g} Just a delightful movie…
Julie Andrews has been one of my idols since I was 12 years old. I bought all her movies, CDs, and records I could get my hands on. The Sound of Music is just one of her many movies I love. From the first time I saw it I tried to act out all the musical numbers. To sing just like Julie was my goal and wishing I was her when she dances with Christopher Plummer. It would mean the world to me to win tickets. I absolutely worship Julie Andrews.
Thank you :]
I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
This is one of my all-time favorite movies as well – ever since I was a kid
Thanks so much for entering and Good Luck!
What I love most about the sound of music is the music! Although I love everything about it!!
The Sound of Music is my all time favorite film. I was obsessed with it as a kid and after 48 years have never found another film to surpase it. It has everything I love and want in a film: gorgeous music, great performances, stunning settings, a powerful story, an inspiring female character at the center, and Julie Andrews. There is nothing better than this. It is the perfect film.
I think the film is wonderful, perfect, the location for the film is beautiful and the songs are wonderful and amazing, even the people in this film are wonderful and amazing.
Hi Destiny, I can’t seem to find your tweet. Could you please confirm that you tweeted, or let me know if you don’t have a twitter account or if it’s private. Thanks so much!
I love the way the film was shot. You are completely taken away into Rodgers and Hammerstein’s beautiful world.
I have never seen The Sound of Music, but I absolutely love Fathom Big Screen Classic events as they give me an outlet to see old films the way they were meant to be seen. As a lover of musicals, I would love to see this timeless classic.
Twitter Handle: @gamesnfun856
The movie holds many memories for me. I watch it every year Holiday Time.
The Film was adapted from The Rodgers & Hammerstein Musical. It was based on
the Memoirs of Frau Maria Von Trapp.
Besides the Music, it is a Love Story set in the Backdrop of Pre World War 2 Austria.
Maria when we first see her after that Breath Taking Opening on The Austrian Alps is taking in the air & sunshine away from The Catholic Abbey ,where she is studying to become a nun. The Nuns feel that the convent is not her calling as, she is still a young woman & a free spirit. They Converse to the Reverend Mother, that Maria may not be cut out to be a Nun. Like in, How do you solve a problem like Maria?
The Reverend Mother feels there is a great calling for Maria. She calls her in,
and mentions there is a Captain who is looking for a Governess for his 7 Children. She was asked, you do love children? yes, but 7! Maria gets told he is a widower and a few Governesses have quit. The Reverend Mother did this
so Maria would experience life, and be absolutely sure she wanted to
become a Nun.
Marvelously portrayed by Julie Andrews and for Captain Georg Von Trapp,
the Dashingly Handsome Christopher Plummer. When they met he was whistling through a flute for his kids. a different toot for each child. they tell her after they say her dress is hideous that, they pulled many pranks on governesses. at dinner one scene shows where she sits on a pine cone they placed on her chair. she speaks of the gift the children gave her. in guilt they start to cry.
The Children were from age 16-5. However, the late Charmain Carr was in her 20’s, she played Liesel. And a few familiar names the Late Heather Menzies-Urich played the second oldest girl Louisa, and Angela Cartwright from Make Room for Daddy/Lost in Space played Brigetta. God had other plans for Maria. She was sent to bring Happiness, Love, and Music to this family that was gone, after their mother died. Liesel decides she is all grown-up and falls for the Telegram Delivery Boy Rolff. After all, She was 16 going on 17.
Thunder begins after Maria says her bedtime prayers. Liesel sneaks in, and the kids get frightened. She tells them how she thinks of , Her Favorite Things and she doesn’t feel so bad. Their father gets mad that the children aren’t in bed. he reminds her he’s going away for awhile and wants no mischief. Maria makes the kids clothes to play in from her old drapes. She takes them into Austria & teaches them songs to sing for their Father’s Lady Lave, The Baroness Schrader. They didn’t know how to sing, so Maria teach them a song based on the Do Re Mi scale, as in Do Re Mi. Julie Andrews finale of this song was incredible on the steps. She hit an Octave Note Higher than her normal. It was perfection. The parts I Love, When the Captain sings Edelweiss, and when The Captain & Maria danced after he tells the Baroness he can’t marry her. He tells Maria when he knew he was in love with her and she did the same. And the end where the Nuns show the Reverend Mother the car parts they took out of The Nazi’s Vehicles. And the Breathtaking Finale where they reached the border on, The Austrian Alps.
Maria Von Trapp did have a cameo in the Austrian Marketplace. The Nuns had familiar faces: Marni Nixon who dubbed many films & Anna Lee who played Lila Quartermaine on the long running Soap, General Hospital.
This film was filmed entirely in Austria. The children wrote of their experience working away from home. After Do Re Mi, I Love the songs, How do you solve a problem like Maria?, Climb Every Mountain, & Edelweiss.
I would love to see this film on the Big Screen how it is meant to be seen. The cinematography was breathtaking. The songs are Ageless and Timeless.
I Just Tweeted
I grew up on The Sound of Music. My grandma, a faithful catholic, showed it to me when I was 8 years old and I fell in love with the magic that Julie brought into the screen. The music is beautiful, the cast in enchanting, and the story is timeless. It’s fun, family oriented, romantic, and even a bit historically educational. It’s a rainy day movie, a sunny Saturday movie, a date night movie, and a family movie. I’ve watched it countless times over the past 11 years, but one of the hardest things about being a 21st century teen who loves classic movies is not having the chance to experience the magic of seeing them on screen in a theater.
What I love most about “The Sound of Music” is the love story between Maria & The Captain!!! It’s slowly simmering throughout & once they dance together, OMG!!!
I love this movie. When I was younger I found actual recordings of the Von Trapp Family Singers and was at first disappointed (they sounded nothing like the movie. I was 13) and then mesmerized. This story is incredible and I love so many scenes, but I think my favourite is when Christopher Plummer sings Edelweiss to the children.
What I love most about The Sound of Music is the music! The soundtrack is iconic. Heck my karaoke song of choice as a child was Do-Re-Mi. One of my fondest childhood memories was singing along to the song. I could even picture myself as one of the Von Trapp children.
What I love about The Sound Of Music “, every person that knows me knows this is my absolute favorite movie. It js the music, cast, story,scenery it has it all. You can’t have a bad day and see the Sound of Music. I saw on big screen when I was little. Would love to see it again on the big screen.
Hi Ann, for some reason I cannot seem to find your tweet. Would you mind confirming that you tweeted? Or just let me know if you don’t have a twitter account, or if it’s a private one? Thanks so much…
The Music and Julie Andrews makes the film to me! I like to sing along with the cast when no one is looking. Twitter account @robert_teich
It has been a very long time since I’ve seen this Rodgers & Hammerstein classic. What I remember loving most is Julie Andrews’ performance and the music. I remember laying on the living room floor with the whole family sitting around the large tube TV. I’m sure the big screen presentation will be impressive, but I’m sure it won’t match those memories. I can’t wait to discover my love for this film again.
Thank you.
*I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
I can’t wait to see this on the Big Screen — it’s a personal favorite of mine… Thanks for entering and Good Luck
I love everything about this movie. Have been watching for years and it’s still
Enjoyable. It feels like you see new scenes every time you watch it.
Reminder if the challenges during wartime…and the triumphs!
It’s about a family that lost its way and how they united again.
Timeless classic.
My family loves it!
What do I love about the Sound of Music? Rainbows on Roses and whiskers on kittens.
These are a few of my favorite things. When Julie Andrews dances the Lendler with her leading man. When Kurt says he’s incorrigible. And when the children do the fairwell at the ball. Such beautiful shots of Austria . Would love to see this on the big screen as I did when I was a child .But with the new technology, I’m sure it will just leap off the screen!
One of the greatest movie musicals of all time.