Win Tickets to see “Miracle on 34th Street” on the Big Screen!
A Cherished Holiday Family Tradition is Back
in Select Cinemas Nationwide December 20 & December 23!
CMH is thrilled to announce that, in celebration of the Holiday Season, we’ll be giving away FIVE PAIRS of tickets to see “Turner Classic Movies Presents Miracle on 34th Street” on the Big Screen courtesy of Fathom Events!
The film will be playing in select cinemas nationwide for a special two-day-only event on Sunday, December 20 and Wednesday, December 23 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. local time. (check theater listings here)
That said, here’s how you can enter to win a pair of tickets:
In order to qualify to win a pair of movie tickets via this contest, you must complete the below task by Monday, December 14 at 5PM EST.
We will announce the winner(s) on Twitter on Monday, December 14, between 7PM EST and 8PM EST. If a winner(s) does not have a Twitter account, we will announce that winner(s) via this blog in the comment section below.
ENTRY TASK (2-parts) to be completed by Monday, December 14 at 5PM EST…
1) Answer the below question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog post
Why is “Miracle on 34th Street” special to you?
2) Then TWEET* (not DM) the following message:
Just entered to win tickets to see “Miracle on 34th Street” on the Big Screen courtesy of @ClassicMovieHub & @fathomevents #TCMBigScreen
*If you do not have a Twitter account, you can still enter the contest by simply answering the above question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog — BUT PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ADD THIS VERBIAGE TO YOUR ANSWER: I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
IMPORTANT NOTE for all prizing: This is a special two-day-only event at select theaters nationwide on Sunday, December 20 and Wednesday, December 23 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. local time. Winners will be responsible for their own transportation to the Event. Only United States entries are eligible. Please click here before you enter to ensure that the Event is scheduled at a theater near you and that you are able to attend.
Please note that only United States residents are eligible to enter this giveaway contest. (see contest rules for further information)
BlogHub members ARE also eligible to win if they live within the Continental United States (as noted above).
You can follow Fathom Events on Twitter at @fathomevents
Can’t wait to win? You can buy tickets here:
Turner Classic Movies Presents “Miracle on 34th Street” Movie Event
–Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub
I think you that you sometimes have to have the faith of a child, or you would never take any risks in life. It’s the risks that I didn’t take that I fully regret.
Miracle on 34th Street is special to me because I have a special place in my heart for postwar movies about people struggling to recapture hope and reenter life looking to the future. Holiday Affair and of course Best Years of Our Lives (and as I found to my surprise last night, Courage of Lassie) are all examples… Also, seeing Natalie Wood and Maureen O’Hara so young and marvelous is poignant now that we’ve lost them. That’s one of the wonders of movies, seeing them captured there as they were, with so much in front of them that they could not even imagine. O’Hara was 26; she would live another 68 years(!), make dozens more movies, finally marry happily, lose her husband, run his business… appear at TCMFF in 2014, before leaving us so recently. But there she is onscreen. To me, that’s magical and almost mystical.
Hi, haven’t seen your tweet yet. Please let me know if you were able to tweet yet. Thanks.
Got it, thanks!
Miracle on 34th St is my very favorite Christmas movie because, First, I love vintage movies that tug at your heart, movies that show a simpler more innocent time, yet convince you of the magical possibilities of life. Second, I love Edmund Gwenn, a wonderful character actor who plays strength, compassion and love as Kris. He even convinces Maureen O’Hara of the existence of Santa, even tho life has hurt and hardened her from love and trust. Third, Natalie Wood reminds us that even as a child actor, she shows the potential that was to come and the sadness we feel for losing her too soon. You grow to love these characters, and the actors who portray them. Everything about this movie touches the heart. They just don’t make movies like this anymore.
Growing up in NY Miracle on 34th St. was on every Thanksgiving in the 60’s. Probably still is, I live in SoCally now. With the warm California weather it’s hard for me to get in the Christmas spirit. Every time I see this movie it triggers my childhood Xmas spirit. Oh yeah, Laurel and Hardy’s ” March of the Wooden Soldiers ” has the same effect.
“Miracle on 34th Street” is among my favorite holiday specials (next to “Die Hard” and “Rare Exports”) because I find that the movie is able to teach us to believe in a way that is truly sincere. It also has the best portrayal of Santa ever because he’s depicted as an actual person and who he is at his core: the spirit of goodwill in all mankind rather than just a cartoon character.
Sometimes things happen in our lives that stop us from believing in love/miracles/goodness. We shouldn’t let it because without hope life is meaningless.
I don’t have a twitter account, so I am posting here to enter
Thanks. You are officially entered. Good Luck
Hi Cristen, I am happy to say that you just won a pair of tickets to see the movie!!! That said, I just sent you an email and will need a reply by Wed 12/16 1PM EST… If you don’t get the email, please let me know asap. Thanks so much!
I love this heartwarming story. Edmund Gwinn is the perfect Santa to Maureen O’Hara and Natalie Wood. He manages to often their hearts and open them up to all the good that can happen when you believe in something when your head tells you not to.
Hi, haven’t seen your tweet yet. Please remember to tweet as well. Thanks!
Miracle on 34th Street is the first classic Christmas movie I remember watching! I would love to have the chance to share this movie with my husband!
Miracle on 34th Street is one of my favorite movies, and one that I enjoy watching every year during the holiday season. It’s a Christmas film that feels sincere in its message and doesn’t come off as corny. Sometimes believing in something silly like Santa Claus helps us get through hard times, just like how watching a movie such as this can lift our spirits when we’re feeling down. This film really is a joy to watch, and you can tell that everyone involved had a great time making it.
I love Miracle on 34th Street for several reasons – The main being that my whole world changed my my Dad died when I was nine. Everything changed, and my mom looked to me to start being a second adult to help with everything – including to fill the stockings at Christmas. I stilled believed in Santa until that time…I lost my Dad and Santa all in one year. I didn’t see Miracle on 34th Street until I was 10. The magic that was so subtle, so pure, it made me believe again. I started enjoying being “Santa” for my younger siblings, even putting secret gifts in their stockings, mine too. I would save up and buy little books or toys during the year and everyone got something special. I guess I thought it would make a difference to them, and I hope it did. “Miracle” gave me back that special feeling when I needed it most.
It is one of the most perfect movies ever made. A rare combination of an original and fabulous script, and impeccable cast, and a gorgeous production. It is funny, charming, romantic and at its heart one of the most hopeful movies ever made.
I remember being in that doubt age; there was no question that there was a Santa Clause–then there was. Watching this movie every year, I see and feel something different each time; but it all comes back to faith. Having faith to believe it will get better–faith that I will get better.
I wish you all a magical holiday season and a fantastic new year!
Hi Mary, Please remember to tweet the message so that you can officially enter. OR if you don’t have twitter, please let me know via the comment section of this blog. Thanks!
It’s a great m0vie.