Classic Movie Hub’s July picks for our CMH-Curated BCE Channel
More than 40 Titles Streaming Free All Month Long!
As we announced last month, we are thrilled to have partnered with Best Classics Ever (BCE), a mega streaming channel dedicated to classic films and TV shows!
And, we are proud to have our own Classic Movie Hub Channel there, where CMH fans can stream lots of classic movies and TV shows for free each month!
That said, this month on the CMH Channel, we’re featuring over 40 classic movies and TV shows that our fans can watch for free – all you need to do is click on the movie/show of your choice, then click ‘play’ — you do not have to opt for a 7-day trial.
In celebration of July Birthdays, we’re featuring Gracie Allen, Milton Berle, William Powell, Barbara Stanwyck, Olivia de Havilland, Charles Laughton, James Cagney and Harriet Hilliard Nelson.

We’ve also added our Fan Favorites section which features Santa Fe Trail, And Then There Were None, Penny Serenade, Scarlet Street, His Girl Friday, A Star is Born (1937) and more:

And an ‘All in Good Fun’ section featuring some fun comedies and musicals including Road to Bali, My Favorite Brunette, Royal Wedding and The Inspector General.

Plus Friday Fright Night with some horror classics starring Boris Karloff, Vincent Price and more:

And more
We really hope that you enjoy these films, and please feel free to explore the entire BCE channel. If you click to the BCE Home Page, you can watch even more free classic movies and shows. BCE is able to provide this content for free to you because it includes some commercials – so it’s kind of like watching ‘regular’ TV. There is no sign-up necessary to enjoy this free content, and there are hundreds of movies and TV episodes available with this option. If, instead, you prefer to enjoy your classic movie content ‘straight’ aka commercial-free or if you want access to LOTs more movies and shows, please feel free to check out a 7-day free trial.
You can read more about Best Classics Ever and our partnership here.
Hope you enjoy!
–Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub