Announcing The Great Alfred Hitchcock DVD Giveaway!
Qualifying Entry Task for TWITTER Contest
I am happy to announce our next DVD giveaway! From Sunday, August 16 through Saturday, September 26, 2015, Classic Movie Hub will be giving away a total of SIX Alfred Hitchcock DVDs! And, this time, it’ll be winner’s choice — each winner will be able to choose their preferred Hitch DVD prize: either Rebecca, Notorious or Spellbound!
So, now let’s get down to business…
In order to qualify to win one of the above Alfred Hitchcock DVDs via this Twitter contest giveaway, you must complete the following task by Saturday, September 26 at 8PM EST. However, the sooner you enter, the better chance you have of winning, because we will pick a winner on six different days within the contest period, via random drawings, as listed below… So if you don’t win the first week that you enter, you will still be eligible to win during the following weeks until the contest is over. And remember, you’ll be able to pick your prize — either Rebecca, Notorious or Spellbound!
- Saturday, August 22: One Winner
- Saturday, August 29: One Winner
- Saturday, September 5: One Winner
- Saturday, September 12: One Winner
- Saturday, September 19: One Winner
- Saturday, September 26: One Winner
We will announce the winner(s) on Twitter, the day after each winner is picked at 8PM EST (for example, we will announce the first winner on Sunday August 23 at 8PM EST on Twitter).
Who will win??? The suspense is killing me! (sorry, I just couldn’t resist
“There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.”
ENTRY TASK (2-parts) to be completed by Saturday, September 26 at 8PM EST — BUT remember, the sooner you enter, the more chances you have to win…
1) Answer the below question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog post
2) Then TWEET* (not DM) the following message:
Just entered to win “The Great Alfred Hitchcock DVD Giveaway” courtesy of @ClassicMovieHub #DVDGiveaway #Hitchcock
What is your favorite Alfred Hitchcock film and why?
*If you do not have a Twitter account, you can still enter the contest by simply answering the above question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog — BUT PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ADD THIS VERBIAGE TO YOUR ANSWER: I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
Please note that only Continental United States (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and the territory of Puerto Rico) entrants are eligible.
And — BlogHub members ARE eligible to win if they live within the Continental United States (as noted above).
See complete contest rules here.
And if you can’t wait to win these DVDs, you can purchase them on amazon via the below links (click on images):
–Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub
Rebecca! I loved the novel and Hitchcock made Mrs. Danvers even more frightening than my imagination could. Judith Anderson’s performance was bone-schilling
My favorite Hitchcock film is The Birds. I like this movie because the plot is so suspenseful, I was never sure where the birds would be flying next!
My favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie is The Birds. The plot is so suspenseful, I was never sure where the birds would be flying next!
It’s a toss up between “Suspicion” and “Notorius” only Hitchcock could make you question Cary Grants motives. The suspense is trying to decide if he’s good or evil.
I’m going to say “Lifeboat”. I like the idea that the location and cast are limited, so the dialogue and acting must stand on its own. I would call “Spellbound” a close second, Gregory Peck alone puts it up there.
My favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie is “Psycho” because of that shower scene. It’s intense to watch! I love Anthony Perkins’ performance in the movie. I also enjoy the spin-off films and “Bates Motel” on A&E! Thank you for the opportunity! I tweeted as @juancicc0ne.
It’s so tough to pick just one! I love Hitch’s early American films more than his later, more celebrated ones. I guess I’m going to go with “Rebecca.” Fontaine’s performance is magnificent and Mrs. Danvers is one of the creepiest characters I know. I loved learning about the background of this movie too.
I do not have a Twitter account, so I am posting here to enter but cannot tweet the message.
For me, it has to be Rear Window, because it has all the right elements: suspense, humor, and romance to not only be a Hitchcock masterpiece, but also a really perfect film. It also has the great Thelma Ritter, who steals every scene she’s in.
I actually like Mr. & Mrs. Smith with Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery because it is his only screwball comedy and I like comedies! Lombard and Montgomery made it worth watching.
I tweeted
thanks for the twitter info, made it easier for me to figure things out…
Rebecca. The book is one of my favorites ever (first read it in high school many years ago) and Hitchcock’s adaption is just incredible and captures the dark mood of the book perfectly. Joan Fontaine (so perfectly awkward and unsure of her place at Manderly, she makes you uncomfortable just watching her, which is precisely how it should be) and Lawrence Olivier are perfect in their roles but are almost nearly upstaged by great performances by both George Sanders and Judith Anderson (who spot on captures the creepiness of Mrs. Danvers).
Rear Window! It’s so much fun and then it becomes harrowing.
I’m not sure my comment will post, so here it is again: Rear Window, because it’s fun and then it’s harrowing. It’s got everything!
My favorite is Notorious. Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman have wonderful chemistry. And Madam Konstantin is frightening! And I love the coffee cup scene. Brilliant cast, brilliant film.
Even though this is an impossible question to answer (painful, actually) because I have at least 5 favorite Hitchcock films, I’ll go with “Vertigo.” Why? Because it is a gorgeously filmed, wonderfully acted, multi-layered masterpiece! Fascinating themes of obsession and identity. Brilliant Bernard Herrmann score. Those are some of the reasons.
This is an impossible question to answer since I have at least 5 favorite Hitchcock films. But my answer is “Vertigo.” Why? Because it is a gorgeously filmed, wonderfully acted, multi-layered masterpiece with fascinating themes of obsession and identity and a brilliant Bernard Herrmann score. Those are some of the reasons.
If a comment by me similar to this has already been posted, I apologize. For some reason I’m having trouble posting the comment.
Every Hitchcock film is a treasure, and it is almost impossible to choose a favorite! He was the Master, creating masterpiece after masterpiece! My choice for “favorite” is Dial M for Murder. Why?! you may ask! Because, for me, it has an extra element of cinematic magic. Dial M for Murder is a stage play, with one basic set, yet Mr. Hitchcock somehow brings the characters and their environs to life, leaving any hint of a staged event behind!
Came back to reread my posted comment but oops it’s not here!
My favorite Hitchcock film is Rear Window. It’s really for the atmosphere as well as the suspense. And the acting of James Stewart and Grace Kelly, as well as Wendell Corey, Thelma Ritter, Raymond Burr, Judith Evelyn – and the fantastic score made of up of various hits of the day, Paramount movie songs, etc. Thanks!
Psycho-First horror movie I ever watched, and also got me hooked on watching scary shows.
Not to be a copycat, but I have to say Notorious, as many do. I think it brought out something in Grant that we rarely see. His genuinely high regard for Bergman is obvious. I would say it was probably extremely difficult for him to be harsh with her in a scene. You cannot force or fake chemistry, regardless of what kind of chemistry it is. It is my favorite Grant film. I own nearly all of his films. I actually never liked Suspicion all that much, as I am often excellent at reading people’s body language and emotions. Only later did I learn of the tension between Fontaine and Grant.
This answer is for Ashley who had trouble posting: Notorious…
My favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie is Psycho! Anthony Perkins was great in it! Played a perfect creep, haha! And the all time, best ending of a movie! Really love the show also! I still watch it here and there.
There are so many good Hitchcock movies, it’s so hard to choose a favorite! But I’m going to have to go with Spellbound. My mom and I used to watch it a lot when I was younger, and even though I knew what was going to happen in the end, I’d be at the edge of my seat each time! The suspense keeps it exciting, the acting is phenomenal, and the plot is brilliant.
It’s really difficult to pick out a favorite.
In this case I would have to say The Lady Vanishes. I remember the first time seeing it was with some girlfriends with the lights off and we all had blankets, and homemade caramel popcorn. It’s my favorite because the plot is so interesting. Every character is intriguing. The whole time you just want someone to believe Iris. Overall it has a great balance of humor, thrill, and anticipation.
Here is my tweet.
Rebecca is my fav!
You forgot to add I know this is a tough one lol. I would have to say “North by Northwest ” beautiful cinematography, suspenseful, playful and of course Cary Grant. ♥
It’s so hard to choose… so many great ones. I have to go with Psycho, though. I was afraid to use the shower for weeks after watching the iconic bathroom scene.
Not sure if my first comment posted, but there are so many great films to choose from. I’ll have to go with Psycho, however, for my visceral reaction to the bathroom scene. I was afraid to use the shower for weeks.
My favorite Hitchcock film is “The Birds” because it is not a horror film, but trenchant social commentary well delivered.
The theme of society versus the outsider is present throughout.
My favourite Hitchcock film is The 39 Steps. It’s so edge of your seat, clever and amusing. The way he filmed and directed it means you can very easily imagine yourself in one of the lead roles and this heightens the feelings of …well, danger, excitement and humour. It’s fantastic!
My favorite Hitchcock film is “The Birds” because it is not a horror film but trenchant social commentary well delivered.
My favorite Hitchock film is North By Northwest and it is my favorite because although Hitchock did several films with the storyline involving a mistaken identity, this one really grabs my attention no matter how many times I watch it. This film has memorable scenes, clever plot twists, and the best opening credits out of all Hitchock films I’ve seen. Basically this film has everything that comes to mind when you think of a suspenseful thriller. Cary Grant running for his life while being chased by a helicopter and trying to make a get away with Eva Maria Saint during the film final sequence’s at Mount Rushmore keep you on the edge of your seat no matter how many times you see North By Northwest. Like Psycho, once you hear the music’s theme you can never forget it.
My favorite would be Rear Window, but I love many Hitchcock films, including Rebecca, Psycho, Notorious.
My favorite Hitchock film is North By Northwest. It has everything that comes to mind when you think of a suspenseful thriller. It has clever plot twists, memorable scenes, and the best opening credits out of all Hitchock’s films I’ve seen. Although Alfred Hitchock did several films using the mistaken identity theme, none of them grabs my attention like North By Northwest. Like Psycho, once you hear the music you can never forget it. Cary Grant delivers his best performance for Mr. Hitchock in this movie out of all the others he did in my opinion.
Dial M for Murder is my favorite. The twist of the plan not going as planned, the back up plan and everything in between! How many twists can be in one story?!
North By Northwest! Crime. Conspiracy. Cary Grant. Great one-liners. And the music is wonderful.
Posting on behalf of Sherry whose comment didn’t go through…
Her fav is Notorious!
Notorious. Great story, great redemptive themes, great romance, great suspense, and some of my favorite actors. Not to mention the ultimate mother-in-law from hell.
My favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie is ‘Shadow of Doubt’! Great acting for one..Joseph Cotton is superb! Uncle Charlie running from the police and needing to go to the one place he felt he was safe..his sister’s place. And Teresa Wright as Little Charlie is heartbreaking. Why heartbreaking well you were feeling down and at wits end and the one thing or person that will break spell if good ol’ Uncle Charlie (your namesake). The two of you psychicly connected it cuts deep when you find out that he is a murderer! Then he finds out that you know and he must get rid of one of your most cherished thing. But sadly in the end when the two ‘battle’ it out for life or death, one must die…HEARTBREAKING! As love can sometimes be..
My favorite Hitchcock film is Psycho. Anthony Perkins gives the best performance in a Hitchcock film, and Norman Bates is the most complex and interesting character in all of Hitch’s films.
To Catch a Thief is my favourite Hitchcock film Cary Grant, Grace Kelly wonderful scenery good story not scary what’s not to like!
My favorite Hitchcock film is “The Birds.” This might sound crazy, but I used to be absolutely petrified of birds. There were times where I would cry if a bird came too close to me (I’m not even kidding). My dad had been trying for a while to get me to watch this film, but I refused. Finally I gave in. Believe it or not, this film actually conquered my fear of birds. Now anytime I see a few birds, I just tell myself “Hey, at least you don’t have it as bad as Melanie, Mitch, Annie, and the rest of the people in Bodega Bay!” “The Birds” was such a suspenseful movie, and I found myself on the edge of my seat the whole time! Definitely my favorite Hitchcock movie!
My favorite Alfred Hitchcock film is “Notorious”. So much about that film is perfect to me. This is a better film for Ingrid Bergman than Casablanca. Cary Grant is terrific in it. Claude Rains as well. The kissing scene and the key scene still get me every time.
My favorite HITCHCOCK movie is REAR WINDOW!! Superb suspense, never seeing what’s in hatbox, buried in flower bed, so many unanswered & un shown pieces left to your imagination!! & Grace Kelly was wonderful!!
My favorite HITCHCOCK movie is REAR WINDOW!!! You never get to see in the hatbox, the flower bed, etc..& Grace Kelly is wonderful!!!
Sooooooo difficult to name just one because I love so many Hitchcock films, but in the spirit of this contest I’ll go with “Rebecca.” It’s mysterious and suspenseful; Joan Fontaine is just lovely and Laurence Olivier is wonderfully brooding. And Judith Anderson as Mrs. Danvers–THE BEST!! She is positively chilling. Love this film!
While the first one I remember seeing is THE BIRDS, and I still love it, my favorite is REAR WINDOW. Classic Jimmy Stewart and Philly’s Grace Kelly, plus Raymond Burr plays a great creep. Production design is wonderful.
Too hard! I’d have to say North by Northwest is the film I like best. I like the ebbs and flows of the movie. Grant’s performance oscillates between suave and manic. Eva Marie Saint’s character adds so many twists to the film, and, I think she plays the role in an understated, convincing fashion. James Mason and Martin Landau’s villain’s are played to perfection. I like Olivier’s performance best in Rebecca, but overall, I have to say I like North by Northwest best!
“The Birds” because my mother and father took me to see it at a drive in in Bridgeport, Connecticut and then , way later , my wife and I visited Bodega Bay CA to see wher it was filmed.
Would love to have seen where it was filmed… I’ve only seen photos…
Notorious. Bergman and Grant. Best on screen kiss ever filmed. “This is a very strange love affair.” “Why?” “Maybe it is because you do not love me.”
My favorite Hitch film is THE LADY VANISHES – it takes place entirely on a train in the middle of Europe, mostly Germany, during the Nazi regime. And 2 of the main characters are strong smart women – including a charming kindly old lady who’s the spy that the bad guys are after.
Hard to pick just one but I’ll pick Rear Window. I love James Stewart & Grace Kelly together great chemistry. And add the unusual story line & Raymond Burr being the bad guy & I’m hooked.
There are so many I could name, but I’d have to go with Psycho. It’s the first of his that I remember seeing on TV as a kid and I loved it. I still love it & can watch it over & over.
Rebecca. Rebecca was a required book for a writing class in high school. The book was so intriguing, the fascination lead to a great paper for myself because I did not write that well at the time. It was not until later in life when I first saw Alfred Hitchcock’s vision for the film version. I was so very thrilled with the resulting adaptation, I bought the Video (yes video) and still watch it to this day.
My video player still functions, but my video copy of Rebecca is on its last thread. Yes, please. I would love a DVD of the film Rebecca!
Thank you bunches for the opportunity!
Cynthia Anderson
My favorite Hitchcock film is Rear Window-delectable from start to finish-has all the ingredients for a great film-from actors-setting-sound-music-story. It evokes so well what a hot humid summer day in 1954 NYC could contain. From Grace Kelly in high 50s fashion(-that looks like it inspired the clothes for my Barbie) to the charms of Jimmy Stewart with Thelma Ritter the cherry on top-it is populated with interesting characters in every window and a story that keeps you in suspense until the end with a dash of Hitchcock wit here and there. Still remember how a friend grabbed my arm in fear for Jimmy, the first time she saw it on the big screen-the best way to see it.
Ooohhh, that’s a tough question!! My favorites are: To Catch a Thief, Notorious, Rear Window, and North by Northwest.
“The 39 Steps.” It’s got it all — innocent man on the run, the mysterious moors of Scotland, Mr. Memory, evil spies, the Donat-Carroll chemistry and the great scene where Carroll escapes the handcuffs, plans to leave . . . and then learns Donat was telling the truth.
The Birds. Original and brilliant build in the film. The man made seagulls terrifying-that is an achievement
My all time favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie is Rear Window I love how Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly play off each other with the sarcasm and the looks.
The intrigue then the build up then comes the payoff then throw in the great character actress Thelma Ritter she is marvelous,the three of them together keep you on pins and needles The writing was excellent for this movie and the intensity and fear when the character of Raymond Burr is going to come and kill Jimmy Stewart . I watched this film as a small child and I still watch it today with the same feelings even though I know what’s going to happen and I’m always sad about the little dog and the lonely lady Miss Lonelyhearts this was a well written well acted , great set dressed and designed as well as costumes and music all the effects make this a classic movie the one everyone tries to remake but you can’t beat the original cast,direction and costumes . This was magic!