William Windom Overview:

Character actor, William Windom, was born on Sep 28, 1923 in New York City, NY. Windom died at the age of 88 on Aug 16, 2012 in Woodacre, CA .



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William Windom Quotes:

Burt Gordon: Any, uh, any progress so far?
Lt. Columbo: Well, it's, uh, still a little early, but, uh, you know, sooner or later, something usually breaks.
Burt Gordon: Mmm-hmm. Well, let's make that "sooner," right, Lieutenant?
Lt. Columbo: Try my best.
Burt Gordon: Yeah, I'm sure you will.

Burt Gordon: I think a toast is in order. To our host and hostess on the tenth anniversary of their horrible mistake.
[Carol Flemming makes a sound of protest]
Dr. Ray Flemming: You'd better rephrase that, counselor.
Burt Gordon: Pleasure, Your Honor. To the two finest people I ever knew. Here's to ten more years of happiness!

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William Windom Facts
He's owned seven different small boats since 1953 and won numerous sailing trophies.

Windom bought a small island for $1.00 in Windom, Minnesota, so named for his great-grandfather, a one-time member of Lincoln's Kitchen Cabinet. The island's a wildlife refuge.

Chess enthusiast.

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