Susanna Foster Overview:

Actress, Susanna Foster, was born Suzanne DeLee Flanders Larson on Dec 6, 1924 in Chicago, IL. Foster died at the age of 84 on Jan 17, 2009 in Englewood, NJ .



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Susanna Foster Quotes:

Dr. Hohner: You don't want to ruin that voice, do you? It isn't yours, remember? Now tell me, whose voice is it?... Tell me!
Angela: Marcellina's!

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Susanna Foster Facts
Her son Philip was named in honor of England's Prince Philip. In 1985 he lapsed into a hepatic coma (liver failure) on the family's living room floor and died three days later in a Los Angeles (Van Nuys) Hospital. Her surviving son, Michael eventually brought her back to the East Coast, where she spent the last years of her life living in various nursing homes. She died at age 84 at The Lillian Booth Actor's Home in Englewood, New Jersey, where she had been residing since 2003.

Started her film career at MGM in 1937 when the studio had just let Deanna Durbin go. She had just gotten over a serious case of pneumonia about six months before.

Signed by MGM, she was handed the lead in National Velvet (1944), which she declined because there "wasn't any singing in it". This led to MGM's decision to drop her. The role went to young Elizabeth Taylor who became a star as a result.

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