Richard Wattis Overview:

Character actor, Richard Wattis, was born Richard Cameron Wattis on Feb 25, 1912 in Wednesbury, England. Wattis died at the age of 62 on Feb 1, 1975 in London, England .


Bespectacled, heron-like British supporting actor whose neat light-brown hair concealed an unexpected bald patch at the back and whose thin, elongated lips could open wide and screw themselves into expressions of Donald Duck-like outrage, while the plaintively light, upper-class Wattis tones complained of some new affront. He was the happy butt of many British comedians, often as salesmen, butlers, solicitors, and teachers. Died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Richard Wattis Quotes:

'Boysie' Oakes: [piloting an airplane] Just get me out of here, I'm scared sick!
Flying Instructor: Were all scared... from time to time.

Elsie Marina: [about dress] Say, is it all right over the you-know-what?
Fanny: Wonderful over the you-know-what.
Fanny: [Northbrook comes out from behind screen] What do you think?
Northbrook: Very nice.
Fanny: Is that all you can say?
Northbrook: Very nice indeed.

Peter Fox: [an upset Helen wants to accompany him to see the Lama] You'll stay right there. If you should feel like another nip of that
[indicating the decanter]
Peter Fox: , nobody's gonna call you a tippler.

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Richard Wattis Facts
Died of a heart attack in a Kensington restaurant.

He served in the Royal Army Medical Corps during World War Two.

Began his professional career with the Croydon Repertory Theatre in 1934.

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