Richard Conte Overview:

Actor, Richard Conte, was born Richard Nicholas Peter Conte on Mar 24, 1910 in Jersey City, NJ. Conte died at the age of 65 on Apr 15, 1975 in Los Angeles, CA .



BlogHub Articles:

travels down "Thieves' Highway"

By Stephen Reginald on Jan 22, 2023 From Classic Movie Man

travels down "Thieves' Highway" Thieves’ Highway (1949) is an American film noir directed by Jules Dassin and starring , and Valentina Cortese. Lee J. Cobb, and Barbara Lawrence co-star. Nico “Nick” Garcos, a returning war veteran arrives home to f... Read full article

Victor Mature and star in "Cry of the City"

By Stephen Reginald on Nov 6, 2022 From Classic Movie Man

Victor Mature and star in "Cry of the City" Cry of the City (1948) is an American film noir directed by Robert Siodmak and starring Victor Mature and . Others in the cast include Fred Clark, Shelly Winters, Betty Garde, Debra Paget, and Hope Emerson.Tough guy Martin R... Read full article

The Build-Your-Own-Blogathon: in Cry of the City (1948)

By shadowsandsatin on Aug 9, 2014 From Shadows and Satin

I could cheerfully watch make cinnamon toast, paint a wall, or even tie his shoes. But when he?s front and center in a 1940s noir, I really go into orbit! Case in point: Twentieth Century Fox?s Cry of the City, a 1948 film noir feature with a top-notch, can?t-miss cast that, in additio... Read full article

, King of Noir

By Caftan Woman on Jun 19, 2012 From Caftan Woman

1910 - 1975 Nobility was born in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1910 when Richard Nicholas Peter Conte was born. The one time truck driver and singing waiter studied at the famed Neighborhood Playhouse. In 1939 Nicholas Conte made his Broadway debut in the short run Group Theater pr... Read full article

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Richard Conte Quotes:

Friedman: You ever think you'll live to make corporal?
Rivera: Baby, I just want to live long enough to make civilian.

Crito Damou aka Omar Ben Khalif: [to Lt. Lopez] A brave and silent soldier. We shall see how long you can remain brave and silent.

Cpl. Milo Trubee: [after getting a boil on his backside lanced] That didn't hurt a bit.

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Richard Conte Facts
Featured in "Bad Boys: The Actors of Film Noir" by Karen Burroughs Hannsberry (McFarland, 2003).

Appeared in the original Ocean's Eleven (1960) and The Godfather (1972). The remake Ocean's Eleven (2001) and its sequels feature many Godfather references. Cast members Al Pacino and Andy Garcia appear in both series. Ocean's cast member Scott Caan is the son of Godfather actor James Caan, and his character's name, Turk, is taken from "The Turk," a name used in The Godfather.

He was one of the many actors considered by Paramount for the title role of Don Corleone in "The Godfather" (1972). The movie originally was intended to be a low-budget production set in contemporary times, but after the phenomenal success of the book, the budget was increased. Conte's Italian heritage helped his cause, as Paramount production head Robert Evans wanted the film to be authentically Italianm which was the reason the Italian American 'Francis Ford Coppola was hired to direct. Conte's rivals for the role reportedly included fellow Italian-American Ernest Borgnine, but as the prestige of the picture increased along with the budget, A-list actors began to be considered for the role, including two-time Oscar-winner Anthony Quinn and the legendary Orson Welles. Burt Lancaster, whose superstar status had dimmed but who had the advantage of having played an Italian prince in Luchino Visconti's "The Leopard" (1963), actively campaigned for the role. Ironically, Visconti had wanted to cast Laurence Olivier in "The Leopard" (but was overru

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