Peter Butterworth Overview:

Character actor, Peter Butterworth, was born Peter William Shorrocks Butterworth on Feb 4, 1919 in Bramhall, England. Butterworth died at the age of 59 on Jan 16, 1979 in Coventry, England .


Brown-haired British light comedian and comic supporting actor, often as querulous incompetents or bungling minor officials. In very minor post-war film roles before bumbling his way to success on children's television, Butterworth was later a valuable member of the "Carry On" team. He married star impressionist Janet Brown in 1949. Died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Peter Butterworth Quotes:

Captain Keene: Fire at will!
Brother Belcher: Poor old Will, why do they always fire at him?

Sam: I never did get to know exactly what she'd done that was so wrong.
Judge Burke: Old Ben was a friend of mine Sam, and she killed him.
Doc: It was his own fault. He was ninety-two. I warned him not to marry her!

Brother Belcher: Don't worry - we'll save you some Strawberry Mousse!

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Peter Butterworth Facts
While being held as a POW during the war, Peter played a part in the escape later filmed as The Wooden Horse (1950). After the war while pursuing his acting career, he auditioned for a part in the film without disclosing his part in the actual incident. He failed the audition as the producers felt he did not look heroic or dashing enough for the film.

Father of Tyler Butterworth.

Father-in-law of Janet Dibley.

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