Peter Bull Overview:

Character actor, Peter Bull, was born Peter Cecil Bull on Mar 21, 1912 in London, England. Bull died at the age of 72 on May 20, 1984 in London, England .


British actor usually cast as arrogant, aristocratic nasties who sometimes came to a sticky end. He also enjoyed himself in snooty comedy roles. In private life the most affable of men, Bull wrote several books, ran an astrological shop, and was the world's leading authority on teddy bears. At one time he ran his own repertory company, and won the DSC with the Royal Navy during World War II. A formidable wit and genuine English eccentric, the title of his autobiography would have done for most of the people in this book: I Know the Face But? Some filmographies credit Bull with The Silent Voice in 1934, but it's a title I have been unable to verify.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Peter Bull Quotes:

Captain of Louisa: I think I shall have to hang you twice.

Captain of Louisa: By the authority vested in me by Kaiser William II, I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution.

Shaftoe: I need a marriage licence.
Bull: Two and six.
Shaftoe: It must be tonight.
Bull: Five shillings.
Shaftoe: And no-one must know.
Bull: Ten shillings. Come at ten o'clock. Would you like a blessing? Sixpence.

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