Paul Winchell Overview:

Actor, Paul Winchell, was born Paul Wilchinsky on Dec 21, 1922 in New York City, NY. Winchell died at the age of 82 on Jun 24, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television.

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Paul Winchell Quotes:

Tigger: Hello, I'm Tigger.
Winnie the Pooh: You said that.
Tigger: Oh? Well, did I say I was hungry?
Winnie the Pooh: I don't think so.
Tigger: Well then, I'll say it: I'm hungry.

Tigger: Honey! Oh, boy, honey! That's what tiggers like best.
Winnie the Pooh: I was afraid of that.
Tigger: [gulps down a few handfuls] Oh, say.
Tigger: Yyyuck! Tiggers don't like honey!
Winnie the Pooh: But you said you that you liked...
Tigger: Yeah, that icky, sticky stuff is only fit for "heffalumps" and "woozles."
Winnie the Pooh: You mean elephants and weasels.
Tigger: That's what I said, "heffalumps" and "woozles".

Tigger: [singing] The wonderful thing about tiggers / Is tiggers are wonderful things / Their tops are made out of rubber / Their bottoms are made out of springs / They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy fun, fun, fun, fun, fun / But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one / I'm the only one.

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Paul Winchell Facts
Was the voice for the "scrubbing bubbles" mascot for Dow Bathroom Cleaner, and after Dow sold its consumer products line to S.C. Johnson, the product was renamed to Scrubbing Bubbles.

Recounts, in his autobiography, "Winch", about overcoming a severe childhood stutter, and tells about being severely abused by his mother. He had horrendous relationships with all of his children, according to his daughter, April Winchell, as told on her website ( and book.

Died one day before the death of John Fiedler, who was the voice of Piglet in the animated Winnie the Pooh specials and films.

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