Minerva Urecal Overview:

Character actress, Minerva Urecal, was born Minerva Holzer on Sep 22, 1894 in Eureka, CA. Urecal died at the age of 71 on Feb 26, 1966 in Glendale, CA .


Minerva Urecal was a formidable, square-jawed, hook-nosed, raucous-voiced American actress -- a cross between Marjorie Main and Hope Emerson. She was usually seen in roles calling for explosive emotional reaction of one kind or another, often cruelty or indignation, but sometimes turned to good comedy effect. Her character names, 'Death Watch Mary' in "Oh Doctor," and 'Hatchet-Faced Woman' in "The Doughgirls," give a good impression of what to expect from this radio-trained actress. Her stage name was sort-of-an-anagram from Eureka, California, her birthplace. She died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Minerva Urecal Quotes:

Agatha Brewster: Most spirits are honest, gentle and kind, and only want to bring happiness to humans. But a few are evil and, having been wicked in life, are wicked in death, and only haunt the scenes of desperate crimes, reveling in murder.

Landlady: Serves you right, you hussy!

Fagah: Why do you beat my son so hard?
Dr. Lorenz: Because he's at best an animal, and some day I shall have to destroy him.
Fagah: My poor son!... Why was he ever born?

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