John Astin Overview:

Character actor, John Astin, was born John Allen Astin on Mar 30, 1930 in Baltimore, MD. As of December 2023, John Astin was 93 years old.



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John Astin Quotes:

[the judge is reading the long list of charges brought against Henry Tyroon et al]
Judge: Mr. Vanson, this indictment seems to be a little enthusiastic!
Hector Vanson: Well, they're a pretty slippery bunch, your honor. I had to throw the book at 'em.

T.M. Christian: I know what the kids call me behind my back.
Candy Christian: The kids don't call you anything behind your back, daddy.
T.M. Christian: That's exactly what I mean. All the other teachers in this school have nicknames. I'm just plain old Mr. Christian.

T.M. Christian: Now look you people! This isn't some godforsaken border town where you can just, uh, go about as you please and, and bother innocent people and do... do... do... Mexican things!

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John Astin Facts
Grandfather of actress Alexandra Astin, Elizabeth Louise Astin, Isabella Louise Astin, Sedona Astin and Jaya Astin.

He and his wife Val are leaders of a Buddhist group in Santa Monica.

Is a fan of the works of Edgar Allan Poe, and studies Poe's works extensively. He has regularly attended Baltimore's yearly celebration of Poe's birthday.

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