Jayne Meadows Overview:

Actress, Jayne Meadows, was born Jane Meadows Cotter on Sep 27, 1919 in Wuchang, China. As of December 2023, Jayne Meadows was 104 years old.



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Jayne Meadows Quotes:

[last lines]
Betty Duquesne: Steve, wouldn't you say that a man who thinks, should also be able to understand and forgive?
Steve 'Mac' Macinter: You know, I was lucky. There are a lot of scientists engaged in projects designed to destroy ignorance. And some group, through ignorance or fear or bigotry or whatever, is going to hound these men, to inflame the passions of the mob, until - till the people attack the very men who represent knowledge. A lot of them won't have this lucky little accident that I was just saved by. Then what'll happen to us? Well, I'll see ya.
[Steve walks off; Betty follows him]
Steve 'Mac' Macinter: Heh heh.
[indicating the other reporters]
Steve 'Mac' Macinter: You'll never get a telephone.
Betty Duquesne: I know. But then I suppose if I don't come up with a better story than the others, it's just gonna cost me my job.
Steve 'Mac' Macinter: And you're depending on me for another story?
Betty Duquesne: Why not?
Steve 'Mac' Macinter: Hm. You think you should?
Betty Duquesne: Well, now, that's what I aim to find out.

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Jayne Meadows Facts
Her first language is Chinese.

In 1965, Jayne was attending college to study Chinese language.

Older sister of actress Audrey Meadows.

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