Isobel Elsom Overview:

Character actress, Isobel Elsom, was born Isobel Jeannette Reed on Mar 16, 1893 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. Elsom died at the age of 87 on Jan 12, 1981 in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles .


A regal leading lady from the English stage, Isobel Elsom enjoyed a very good run in British films during the silent and early sound era before finding her way to Hollywood where she played self-righteous, upper-crust matrons whose pomposity was made to be punctured. She was married to, and divorced from, British director Maurice Elvey.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Isobel Elsom Quotes:

Mrs. Delfina Acuña: I wish you wouldn't speak while I'm interrupting.

Leonora Fiske: Ellen, you're a hypocrite! You're worse! You're a cheat! You meant to foist your wretched brood upon me and bleed me white! And when I saw through your little scheme, you had the insolence to turn on me and abuse me! But you've chosen the wrong woman! You get those sisters of yours out of the house at once! And you take a month's wages and go with them.

Capt. Michael Stuart: But, Teresa is to be my bride!
Mother Superior: Teresa is now the Bride of Christ!

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