Job Actor
Years active 1901-52
Known for Historical figures, lords, hero's aristocratic friends, benevolent patricians
Top Roles Mr. Brownlow, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir Ronald Ramsgate, Lord Willoughby, King Anatol XII
Top GenresDrama, Romance, Comedy, Musical, Adventure, Film Adaptation
Top TopicsBook-Based, Romance (Drama), Romance (Comic)
Top Collaborators (Producer), (Producer), (Producer), (Producer)
Shares birthday with Charlie Chaplin, Peter Ustinov, John Hodiak  see more..

Henry Stephenson Overview:

Character actor, Henry Stephenson, was born Henry Stephenson Garroway on Apr 16, 1871 in Granada, British West Indies. Stephenson appeared in over 85 film and television roles, playing his share of doctors, Counts, Dukes and Lords. His best known films include Captain Blood (1935, as Lord Willoughby), The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936, as Sir Charles Macefield, Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936 as Havisham), The Prince and the Pauper (1937, as the Duke of Norfolk), Marie Antoinette (1938, as Count de Merceyand), and The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939, as Lord Burghley). Stephenson died at the age of 85 on Apr 24, 1956 in San Francisco, CA and was laid to rest in Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, Westchester County, NY.


Tall and elegant, Henry Stephenson was a key member of Hollywood's prominent British community of the 1930s. Long in America, after considerable experience on the London and Broadway stages, he was often cast in lordly roles, as historical figures of the hero's aristocratic friend.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



Henry Stephenson BlogHub Articles:

Henry Stephenson - A Lovable Old Gent

By The Metzinger Sisters on Dec 15, 2017 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

Once Upon a Screen, Outspoken and Freckled, and Paula's Cinema Club have once again teamed up to host the fabulous What a Character! Blogathon giving us film fans a chance to gush about those unsung heroes of the silver screen - character actors. What would classics such as Gone with the Wind be wit... Read full article

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Henry Stephenson Quotes:

Sir Charles Macefield: [throws letter into the fire] For conspicuous gallantry.

Mr. Bryant: [angrily to Joe] Get out of here! Get out of here! Get your greasy black head out of here!

Jim Warlock: Yes, but surely, if you're fond of someone, you want to be kind. At least one owes a little consideration.
John Tring: Consideration? When you're telling a woman you don't want her? It's like brushing a man's hair the morning you hang him.

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