George Macready Overview:

Character actor, George Macready, was born George Peabody Macready Jr. on Aug 29, 1899 in Providence, RI. Macready died at the age of 73 on Jul 2, 1973 in Los Angeles, CA .


George Macready was noted as one of America's most distinctive villains -- a blond, blue-eyed death's head of a man with an aristocratic sneer on the upper lip. Macready created a whole range of polished, distinguished nasties and scoundrels, nearly all with a civilized veneer (1946, Gilda, 1964, Dead Ringer). He died from emphysema just after retirement.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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George Macready Quotes:

Gilbert Archer: I'll make you a proposition. You want that missing page. I want information.
Mrs. Stoker: Information, Mr. Archer?
Gilbert Archer: Let me put it this way. I have a few theories I'd like to have you confirm.
Matthew Stoker: Mr. Archer, you've always found me a very reasonable man.
Gilbert Archer: You've been reasonable, Holy Joe, but not very bright. You thought I was in this for the money, but from the first I only wanted to find out one thing: Who murdered Father Walsh. You did, you and that trained ape of yours.
Mrs. Stoker: Isn't that interesting?
Gilbert Archer: You didn't intend to kill Father Walsh, but when you put Rausch to work on him, he got too rough.
Matthew Stoker: Brilliant, Mr. Archer!
Gilbert Archer: And then you hanged his dead body from a beam and made it appear that a priest of God had taken his own life. You, Bradford, you called me to your office to make sure that my apartment would be unoccupied. While you were searching it, Catherine Walsh arrived with the first Bible, and you killed Catherine Walsh. Those are the theories I wanted to verify. Well, let's go.
Rev. George Bradford: Not yet. We're waiting for Mr. Helms to confirm the transaction.
Gilbert Archer: I'm willing to forego that now.
Matthew Stoker: No, no. We wouldn't have you do that, Mr. Archer. We'll wait. You were so insistent upon seeing him.

Rev. Thomas Garfield: Behind the decision of every man, I've found there's generally a woman.

Christopher Todd: This stuff you unearthed, Colonel Casey, is dynamite. Very revealing of General Scott's extracurricular love life. Any taste of victory we have in our mouths, Colonel, is due in no small measure to your efforts.
Colonel Martin "Jiggs" Casey: The taste I've got in my mouth, Mr. Secretary, is unmentionable.
Christopher Todd: I can understand that feeling, Colonel. But when you deal with a jackal like your general...
Colonel Martin "Jiggs" Casey: Mr. Todd, this is a full Air Force general. Six times wounded, wearing only half the medals he deserves. Whatever else he is, he's no jackal.
Christopher Todd: My god, the sensitivity of our warriors! Did I step on your old school tie, Colonel?
Colonel Martin "Jiggs" Casey: You're just like a lot of civilians, Mr. Todd. After every armistice, you want to put us away in mothballs, like the fleet. When it comes to a little dying...
Christopher Todd: Hold up, Colonel!
Colonel Martin "Jiggs" Casey:'ll be sure to put us in a uniform...
Christopher Todd: That's enough, Colonel!

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George Macready Facts
Macready was a graduate of Classical High School in his hometown of Providence, Rhode Island. He graduated from Brown University (also in Providence) in 1921.

He claimed (probably correctly and truthfully) to be a descendant of the great 19th-century Shakespearean actor William Macready.

George became good friends with Vincent Price when they were both appearing on stage with Helen Hayes in "Victoria Regina." Vincent wrote about George in a letter home: "The boy who plays my brother and is my understudy is a swell egg and I thank God for him.".

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