Frank Silvera Overview:

Character actor, Frank Silvera, was born on Jul 24, 1914 in Kingston, Jamaica. Silvera died at the age of 55 on Jun 11, 1970 in Pasadena, CA .



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Frank Silvera Quotes:

Det. Rafael Torno: They made "the circle", hunh?
Fred Morrow: Yeah, they made a circle.
Det. Rafael Torno: No, made "the circle" they call it.

Vincent Rapallo: Like the man said, "Can happiness buy money?"

Mexican Bandit: [Russell and Mendez have ambushed Grimes' gang] Hey, hombre! A compliment on your shooting! You put a hole in me! Whew. I never had a bellyache like this since I'm a little boy. Hey amigo! Friend! I am going to give you back this bullet.

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Frank Silvera Facts
Was nominated for a 1963 Tony Award as Best Featured Actor in a Play for his role as M. Duval in "The Lady of the Camellias."

Accidentally electrocuted in his kitchen on June 11, 1970 while trying to repair a garbage disposal.

Studied at Northwestern University in Illinois with the intention of becoming an attorney or teacher of law.

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