Ethel Griffies Overview:

Character actress, Ethel Griffies, was born Ethel Woods on Apr 26, 1878 in Sheffield, England. Griffies died at the age of 97 on Sep 9, 1975 in London, England .

Ethel Griffies was a tight-lipped, often bespectacled British actress, who worked in the British theater before giving Hollywood a shot in the in 1930s. She then often portrayed older women who could be either frail and vulnerable, or fierce and disapproving in films such as Waterloo Bridge, Anna Kareina, How Green Was My Vallet and most notable, The Birds. During her time in Hollywood, she also made sporadic appearances on both the British and American stage until her death in 1975.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



Ethel Griffies BlogHub Articles:

Born in a trunk: Ethel Griffies

By Caftan Woman on Aug 14, 2011 From Caftan Woman

Ethel Griffies1878-1975On April 26, 1878 in Sheffield, England actress Lillie Roberts presented her husband actor-manager Samuel Rupert Woods with a daughter, Ethel. Three years later the couple presented the girl on stage and a 80 year career began. Known professional as Ethel Griffies (A youthfu... Read full article

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Ethel Griffies Quotes:

Sebastian Sholes, fisherman in diner: Hell, maybe we're all getting a little carried away with this. Admittedly a few birds did act strange, but that's no reason to...
Melanie Daniels: I keep telling you, this isn't 'a few birds'! These are gulls, crows, swifts...!
Mrs. Bundy, elderly ornithologist: I have never known birds of different species to flock together. The very concept is unimaginable. Why, if that happened, we wouldn't stand a chance! How could we possibly hope to fight them?

Lily, Mme. Saturnia: There's death out in that desert.
Jimmy Chan: Huh? What do you mean? I mean how do you know?
Lily, Mme. Saturnia: The stars! They see everything!
Jimmy Chan: In the daytime?
Lily, Mme. Saturnia: [With disdain] No, at night!

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Ethel Griffies Facts
At the time of her death she was the oldest working actress in English Theatre. Her career began as a baby in 1881 when she was carried onstage by her acting parents.

Parents were players Samuel Rupert Woods and Lillie Roberts.

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