Elyse Knox Overview:

Actress, Elyse Knox, was born Elsie Lillian Kornbrath on Dec 14, 1917 in Hartford, CT. Knox died at the age of 94 on Feb 16, 2012 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Elyse Knox Quotes:

[Brett picks up a bridal veil]
Brett Starr: I want to buy that for...
Mary Carson: Annie? Why she won't be wearing one of those for years.
Brett Starr: We'll save it for her. And with you only wearing it once...
Mary Carson: Why, Brett! It will be just as good as new!

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Elyse Knox Facts
Grandmother of Sam Nelson, musicians Gunnar Nelson and Matthew Nelson, and actress Tracy Nelson.

A "B" actress most her career, she retired in the late 40s to raise a family, came back sporadically to do commercial work.

Began as a fashion designer and model for Vogue magazine before heading into film work.

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