Elvis Presley Overview:

Legendary actor, Elvis Presley, was born Elvis Aron Presley on Jan 8, 1935 in Tupelo, MS. Presley died at the age of 42 on Aug 16, 1977 in Memphis, TN and was laid to rest in Graceland Mansion Estates Cemetery in Memphis, TN.


Dark, insolent-looking American rock n' roll idol who took the world, especially the teenage public, by storm in the mid-fifties and remained the world's top-selling record star for well over a decade. Nicknamed "Elvis the Pelvis" because of his hip-swivelling gyrations on stage - but films only rarely caught the electric arrogance that set audiences alight. The end came from drugs and a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Recording. Presley was never nominated for an Academy Award.

BlogHub Articles:

Encore Podcast: -- Year One

By David on Jul 2, 2020 From The Man on the Flying Trapeze

Encore Podcast: wasn't born in 1956, but his career was. He began the year barely known outside the south, but under the management of Col. Tom Parker he spent the year making his mark on TV variety shows hosted by Milton Berle, Steve Allen and Ed Sullivan; and his recordings for RCA, ... Read full article

Encore Podcast: -- Year One

By David on Jul 2, 2020 From The Man on the Flying Trapeze

Encore Podcast: wasn't born in 1956, but his career was. He began the year barely known outside the south, but under the management of Col. Tom Parker he spent the year making his mark on TV variety shows hosted by Milton Berle, Steve Allen and Ed Sullivan; and his recordings for RCA, ... Read full article

New Podcast: -- Year One

By David on Sep 27, 2019 From The Man on the Flying Trapeze

wasn't born in 1956, but his career was. He began the year barely known outside the south, but under the management of Col. Tom Parker he spent the year making his mark on TV variety shows hosted by Milton Berle, Steve Allen and Ed Sullivan; and his recordings for RCA, beginning with "... Read full article

New Podcast: -- Year One

By David on Sep 27, 2019 From The Man on the Flying Trapeze

wasn't born in 1956, but his career was. He began the year barely known outside the south, but under the management of Col. Tom Parker he spent the year making his mark on TV variety shows hosted by Milton Berle, Steve Allen and Ed Sullivan; and his recordings for RCA, beginning with "... Read full article

2012 tcm SUTS Blogathon Day 16:

By ScribeHard on Aug 16, 2012 From ScribeHard on Film

Not only is it a day fit for A king … it’s a day fit for THE King! ?With that …?well it’s one for the money … two for the show … three for the bloggers … now go cat go! The Gal Herself from One Gal’s Musings returns to the blogathon with a look at Jai... Read full article

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Elvis Presley Quotes:

[as Charlie steps outside the Tea House, three college students follow him - Charlie starts to get on his motorcycle]
College boy in gray sweater: Is that your sickle?
Charlie Rogers: You ought to stop reading those hot rod magazines, buddy. Sickle is out, it's either a bike or a motorcycle.
College boy in suit and tie: Made in Japan, huh?
Charlie Rogers: That's right, made in Japan.

Charlie Rogers: Just because you bailed me out doesn't mean you own me.

Capt. Robert Jason Salbo: Madam, words fail me. Your culinary talents supersede the most exotic cuisine.
Ma Tatum: You don't like it.
Capt. Robert Jason Salbo: Oh, no, no, no, on the contrary...
Josh Morgan: He means he'd like some more, Ma.
Ma Tatum: Oh, that's good.
Pappy Tatum: Good! Good! I like to see a young fella who's a good eater.
Capt. Robert Jason Salbo: I must say, in all my travels, I never tasted anything quite like it.
Ma Tatum: You ain't never?
Capt. Robert Jason Salbo: Unh-uhnmm!
[meaning "No"]
Ma Tatum: Aw shucks, it ain't nothing but possum tails, owl gizzards, and grits fried in bear grease. And then that there gravy, that's just goat's milk with vulture eggs and mashed catfish eyes.
Pappy Tatum: The catfish eyes brings out the flavor of the possum tails.
[Capt. Salbo turns green.]
Capt. Robert Jason Salbo: Excuse me. I think I forgot something in my jeep.
Pappy Tatum: Why did he leave in such a hurry? Did something just come up?
Josh Morgan: Not yet, Mr. Tatum, but I think it might.

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Elvis Presley Facts
According to Elvis and his manager Tom Parker, Elvis' return to TV in 1968 was in part due to NBC (Universal Pictures) agreeing to finance the remaining movies he was scheduled to make.

None of his 33 films--31 features and two musical documentaries--were ever nominated for an Academy Award (of his 31 features, only one--Wild in the Country (1961)--lost money).

Inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1998.

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