Job Actress
Known for Pioneer women or working-hard-for-the-kids wives, ground down by life and/or the land.
Top Roles Carpenter's Wife, Mrs. Meeber, Lt. Irma Emerson, Bessie Clary, Laura's Maid, Mother in Stalled Car
Top GenresDrama, Romance, Comedy, Crime, Western, Mystery
Top TopicsBook-Based, Romance (Drama), Infidelity
Top Collaborators (Director), , (Director), (Director)
Shares birthday with Jos? Ferrer, Elvis Presley, Gordon Hollingshead  see more..

Dorothy Adams Overview:

Character actress, Dorothy Adams, was born on Jan 8, 1900 in Hannah, ND. Adams appeared in over 150 film and TV roles. Her best known films include The Killing, The Best Years of Our Lives, The Big Country, The Ten Commandments (1956) and So Proudly We Hail. Adams died at the age of 88 on Mar 16, 1988 in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles .


Weepy-eyed and careworn-looking, Dorothy Adams' characters wore an expression of permanent dismay and were often pioneer women or working-hard-for-the-kids wives, ground down by life and/or the land. Adams was richly described by one 1950's correspondent as 'a human wailing wall'. She was married to fellow character player, Byron Foulger. In the early 1960s she became a lecturer on theatre arts at the University College of Los Angeles, and appeared less often in cinema and television from then on.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Dorothy Adams Quotes:

Lilia: You are strange to the pits. Your back is unscarred.
Moses: You bring a warm smile with your cool water.
Lilia: My smile is for a stonecutter. The water is for you.
Moses: I thank you.
Lilia: But your voice is not strange. You are...?
Moses: [Moses spoke very quickly, preventing Lilia from recognizing his voice] One of many who thirsts.
Baka: You there! Come here!
Lilia: That is Baka, the master builder.
Moses: Does he call you or me?
Baka: You, water girl! I'm thirsty!
Lilia: He does not thirst for water.
Slave: Beauty is but a curse to our women.

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Dorothy Adams Facts
Mother of Rachel Ames and Wallace Earl.

Close personal friend of Mary Andrews, wife of Dana Andrews.

Grandmother of Christine Cahill.

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