Job Actress
Years active 1916-1967 (includes stage, film and television)
Top Roles Depositor, Mrs. Marley, Mrs. Cooper, Countess Sibenstoyn, Miss Wetherby, School Superintendent
Top GenresDrama, Romance, Comedy, Crime, Film Adaptation, Mystery
Top TopicsBook-Based, Based on Play, Royalty
Top Collaborators (Producer), (Producer), (Producer),
Shares birthday with George Sanders, Susan Peters, George M. Cohan  see more..

Doris Lloyd Overview:

Character actress, Doris Lloyd, was born Hessy Doris Lloyd on Jul 3, 1896 in Liverpool, England. Lloyd died at the age of 71 on May 21, 1968 in Santa Barbara, CA .



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Doris Lloyd Quotes:

Ralph Hughes: Why try to save her? Let her die. That's what we want.
Mrs. Hughes: Don't be stupid, Ralph. If she's taken poison, we must act as though we cared!

Ralph Hughes: It's all Marion's fault. She shouldn't have cried.
Mrs. Hughes: Ralph, you never told me - was it an accident, or did you intend to kill her after she made her will?
Ralph Hughes: I didn't plan it. I liked her well enough, but when she found out I'd been lying about my income, she accused me of marrying her for her money. I said of course that was what I'd married her for. Then she cried. She was always crying. Then she slapped me. I had my knife in my hand, and I...
[He begins slashing at the sofa cushion with his knife, slicing it over and over]
Mrs. Hughes: Stop it, stop it!
Ralph Hughes: Don't do that!
Mrs. Hughes: Put that away! Ralph, I'm trying to help you.
Ralph Hughes: I still say we should have called the police and told them a prowler broke in and killed her.
Mrs. Hughes: With the marks of your fingers on her? The scratches on your face?

The Rose: Just what species or, shall we say, genus are you, my dear?
Alice: Well, I guess you would call me... genus, humanus... Alice.
Daisy: Ever see an alice with a blossom like that?
Orchid: Come to think of it, did you ever see an alice?
Daisy: Yes, and did you notice her petals? What a peculiar color.
Orchid: [sniffing Alice's hair] And no fragrance.
Daisy: [chuckling, as she lifts up one side of Alice's dress] And just look at those stems.
The Rose: [as Alice slaps the Daisy's leaves away] Rather scrawny, I'd say.
Bud: I think she's pretty.
The Rose: Quiet, bud.

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Doris Lloyd Facts
British stage actress who came to Hollywood in 1925 and stayed playing domestic and/or dowager support roles in costumers.

Versatile character actress, who first appeared on stage with the Liverpool Repertory Theatre Company in 1914. Intended to merely visit her sister in the United States, but ended up settling down in California. Her lengthy movie career began in 1925 and included countless small parts as (British) charwomen, landladies and, occasionally, society matrons. Notable as a spy in 'Disraeli' (1929) and Nancy Sykes in the Monogram version of 'Oliver Twist' (1933). On Broadway in 'An Inspector Calls' (1947-48,as Sybil Birling).

Was a very popular radio & television actress, appearing in over 150 movies.

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