Don Barclay Overview:

Character actor, Don Barclay, was born Donn Van Tassel Barclay on Dec 26, 1892 in Ashland, OR. Barclay died at the age of 82 on Oct 16, 1975 in Palm Springs, CA and was laid to rest in unknown Cemetery.



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Don Barclay Quotes:

Barbara Hartwell: Dr. Von Kurtz is an entomologist.
Lucky Smith: Oh, yeah? Where's your dummy!
Larry O'Day: Not a ventriloquist, an entomologist. Entomologist!
Lucky Smith: Ohhh... huh?
Dr. Von Kurtz: Ach, such stupidity! An entomologist is a scientist - a man that collects bugs.
Lucky Smith: Oh, that. Heh, I've been one for years and thought nothing of it.

Ronald DeWitt: Pardon me lady, but you're silly.
Mrs. Katie Tristo: Young man, you're drunk!
Ronald DeWitt: Yeah I know, but tomorrow I will be sober and you'll still be silly!

Lucky Smith: What you say they call you?
Lucky Smith: Lucky Smith.
Larry O'Day: They call you "Lucky"?
Lucky Smith: Yeah
Lucky Smith: I got more luck than any two guys as ever got... and it's all bad.

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Don Barclay Fact
Aside from being a talented comic/character actor and dialectician, Mr. Barclay was also a creative cartoonist. Recently discovered photos show him drawing caractures of two of "Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman's" lead actors: Ms. Ilona Massey and Mr. Lon Chaney Jr; and one visitor to the set of "Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman", Mr. Shemp Howard.

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