Christopher Lee Overview:

Character actor, Christopher Lee, was born Christopher Frank Carandini Lee on May 27, 1922 in Belgravia, London. Lee died at the age of 93 on Jun 7, 2015 in Chelsea, London .


Tall, dark-haired British actor with deep, resonant voice. Spent ten years in British films playing relatively minor (often aristocratic) villains, then burst through to stardom with his fine portrayal of Dracula. Has remained happily typed in chillers, with one or two interesting character roles along the way.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



Christopher Lee BlogHub Articles:

THE EUROCRYPT OF Christopher Lee COLLECTION 2 On Blu-ray From Severin

By Dan Day, Jr. on Jun 7, 2022 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Last year Severin's THE EUROCRYPT OF Christopher Lee Blu-ray box set was my pick for home video release of the year. The company is back with THE EUROCRYPT OF Christopher Lee 2, a seven-disc collection containing six rare films featuring Lee. (This set is not available yet for general release, but I... Read full article

Rating The Hammer Dracula Films Starring Christopher Lee

By Dan Day, Jr. on May 27, 2022 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Today marks the 100th anniversary of Christopher Lee. I've decided to mark this occasion by ranking the Hammer Dracula films which starred Lee. The format is much the same as yesterday's ranking of the Hammer Frankenstein films starring Peter Cushing. One aspect of the Hammer Draculas that doesn't g... Read full article

THE EUROCRYPT OF Christopher Lee COLLECTION On Blu-ray From Severin

By Dan Day, Jr. on Jun 5, 2021 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Christopher Lee is a legend of English Gothic cinema--but he's also a legend of Euro Gothic cinema, which is made abundantly clear in this new fantastic Blu-ray set from Severin. THE EUROCRYPT OF Christopher Lee COLLECTION collects five rare and somewhat obscure films that were made in continental E... Read full article

The Christopher Lee Blogathon – Wrap Up

By Barry P. on May 24, 2021 From Cinematic Catharsis

We’ve reached the end of another spectacular blogathon, and once again, we’re impressed with the range of topics from our exceptionally talented participants. But as anyone familiar with ‘80s television can confirm, wait… There’s more! We have another batch of fabulous ... Read full article

The Christopher Lee Blogathon – Day 3 Recap

By Barry P. on May 23, 2021 From Cinematic Catharsis

Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews and I are back for the third day of the Christopher Lee Blogathon. We have another eclectic line-up of blog posts for your perusal. But wait! In the immortal words of sports great Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Due to some pendi... Read full article

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Christopher Lee Quotes:

Prof. Alan Driscoll: The basis of fairy tale is in reality. The basis of reality is fairy tales

Duc de Richleau: [watching as Rex and Tanith, now restored to life, walks toward the house] Come in my friends.
Marie Eaton: [rushes into the room with husband Richard carrying Peggy] She's alright!
[Sees Tanith standing there]
Marie Eaton: Tanith!
Duc de Richleau: Time itself has been reversed for us. Tanith's death; Peggy's abduction; the ride to Chilbury; the ritual in the cellar... all these things happened. But now, they have not happened. We're back. We are all safe again.
Simon Aron: And is Mocata also safe?
Duc de Richleau: You will also remember, Simon, what I said to you about the Angel of Death once being summoned...
Simon Aron: ...cannot return empty handed!
Duc de Richleau: Exactly. Tanith has been restored to us. But the age old law demands a life for a life, a soul for a soul. And there is only one man in all this world who could replace her life, her soul. The man who invoked the Angel of Death. Mocata *is* dead.
Simon Aron: Thank God!
Duc de Richleau: Yes Simon. He is the one we must thank.

Prof. Karl Meister: [Contemptuously to Inspector Kanof] Don't use long words, Inspector; they don't suit you.

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Christopher Lee Facts
Wore an eyepatch to play the part of Rochefort in The Three Musketeers (1973), The Four Musketeers: Milady's Revenge (1974) and The Return of the Musketeers (1989), one of few films, if not the only film, to be based on Twenty Years After. His interpretation of the character was so popular that many subsequent adaptations of the story; such as Disney's The Three Musketeers (1993) and The Three Musketeers (2011), have continued to portray Rochefort as wearing an eyepatch, despite the fact that Alexandre Dumas père never described the character as wearing one.

He was one of the few people to volunteer to fight on the Finnish side in the Russo-Finnish winter war in 1939-1940, though he and his fellow British volunteers were in Finland only for about two weeks and were kept well away from direct combat.

In his role as the title character, The Mummy (1959), in which he co-starred with Peter Cushing, Lee got severely injured in the course of the filming. All that smashing through real glass windows and doors had dislocated his shoulder and pulled his neck muscles, especially when he had to carry an actress with arms fully extended across a swamp, walking as much as 87 yards, which damaged his shoulders considerably.

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