Charlie Hall Overview:

Actor, Charlie Hall, was born on Aug 19, 1899 in Birmingham, England. Hall died at the age of 60 on Dec 7, 1959 in North Hollywood, CA .



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Charlie Hall Quotes:

Oliver: I'd better go in this time - - they'll know you by now.
[exchanges the frying pan for the bag of eggs]
Oliver: And lay it ohhnnn HEAVY!
[marches confidently into the tavern, looks around the room, and spots Charlie, the Greek sailor (Charles Hall) seated alone at a table near the door. They exchange amicable nod/wave gestures, and then Ollie goes over and sits down at the table across from Charlie, unaware that this is the very same sailor who was seated with the first "shanghai victim" sailor on whom Stan had played the 'egg-held-in-mouth' trick, and so Charlie has already observed the trick and thus is wise to it now. Ollie takes out an egg from his bag with a flourish and sets it self-importantly on the table between them]
Sailor at Table: [in a mildly incredulous tone that someone else would actually just happen to try the same trick on him when he had just seen this same trick pulled on his unfortunate sailor buddy less than 15 minutes earlier] What're ye gonna do with that?
Oliver: [in his typical loud pompous tone] I'll bet you a dollar that you can't put this egg in your mouth without breaking it!
Sailor at Table: [grinning in a sly 'I'm gonna have some fun with this witless blowfish' expression] Can YOU do it?
Oliver: [leaning back and fanning his lapels with his typical innocent closed eyes and disarming smile and chuckle] Why, of course!
Sailor at Table: [leaning forward slightly and pointing with a broad sneering grin of evil anticipation] You do it fuhst, then I'LL do it!
[shakes Ollie's hand in a single firm dramatic ''up-down'' motion to signify an agreed-upon deal, then watches with great amusement and repressed anticipation as Ollie confidently tucks the egg into his mouth and holds it there, tilting his head back slightly and pointing to the egg to show that it's held successfully. Charlie sneaks his clenched fist underneath Ollie's chin and does a quick upward jab, snapping Ollie's jaw shut and crushing the egg. Ollie stares in flabbergasted chagrin, numbly crunching the egg up in his mouth, just as Charlie's sailor buddy had done moments earlier when Stan pulled the same stunt on him. Charlie points at Ollie's humiliated distress with extreme derisive triumph and lets loose at last with all his concealed hilarity, leaning back in his chair and guffawing raucously, closing his eyes in total immersing glee and self-satisfaction at his cleverness]
Sailor at Table: YAAAAHHH-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah! HOHHHHH-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! YEEEE-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee! Haww-haw-haw-haw - -
[his laughter is abruptly cut off as Ollie, looking into his bag and seeing that he still has more eggs left, takes out another egg and deftly stuffs it into the Charlie's wide-open mouth while he's in the midst of one of his chortles (and of course, with his eyes closed in mirth, Charlie doesn't see what Ollie's doing) then swiftly places his hands on the top of Charlie's head and underneath his chin and then abruptly squeezes his hands together, forcing Charlie to crush the egg in his mouth with a loud crunch.

Stanley: If you come back here again, I'll arrest you.
Tire thief: Who will?
Stanley: I... We will.
Tire thief's partner: Oh, is that so?

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Charlie Hall Facts
In most of his appearances in the Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy films, Hall doesn't have a lot of dialogue, and what lines he has are usually growled or barked angrily at either Laurel or Hardy. That was to disguise his British accent, which was more pronounced than Laurel's. Laurel thought it would be a bit too implausible and distract from the scene to have two Englishmen fighting in the middle of an American comedy, so he had Hall disguise his voice whenever possible (although there are times when his English accent is quite obvious).

Hall appeared in more Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy movies than any other actor, including Mae Busch, Billy Gilbert or James Finlayson.

Immigrated to the United States in 1920.

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