Bernard Fox Overview:

Actor, Bernard Fox, was born Bernard Lawson on May 11, 1927 in Port Talbot, West Glamorgan. Fox died at the age of 89 on Dec 14, 2016 in Van Nuys, CA .



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Bernard Fox Quotes:

Dudley Hawks: How many times must I warn you to stay away from girls?
Herman: But she was someone to talk to.
Dudley Hawks: Oh yes, it all starts with talking, yakity-yakity-yak. But the moment the talking stops, my boy. you're in trouble.
Herman: You have an evil mind.
Dudley Hawks: I'm old enough to enjoy it. You're not. And keep the door locked.

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Bernard Fox Facts
One of the rare actors to have played the same part on three different series. He originated the part of Dr. Bombay (a witch doctor) on "Bewitched" (1964), repeated the role on the sequel "Tabitha" (1977) and again on "Passions" (1999).

Uniquely, Fox was in both Titanic (1997) and the earlier version of the tragedy, A Night to Remember (1958). In the latter, he actually got to deliver the immortal line, "Iceberg dead ahead, sir!" He guested as the hapless British Col. Crittendon on "Hogan's Heroes" (1965) and also guest-starred in an episode of "M*A*S*H" (1972) as a Britsh officer who is tough on his wounded men in post-op. Also notable are his three guest appearances on "The Andy Griffith Show" (1960) as the lovable Mr. Malcolm Merriwether, a gentlemen who travels by bicycle and stays with Sheriff Taylor, Opie and Aunt Bee.

With the death of Alice Ghostley on September 21, 2007, he is the last surviving adult cast member of "Bewitched" (1964).

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