Ben Wright Overview:

Actor, Ben Wright, was born Benjamin Huntington Wright on May 5, 1915 in London, England. Wright died at the age of 74 on Jul 2, 1989 in Burbank, CA .



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Ben Wright Quotes:

Roger: At first you think Cruella is a devil / But after time has worn away the shock / You come to realize / You've seen her kind of eyes / Watching you from underneath a rock.
Anita: You're no help.
Roger: This vampire bat, this inhuman beast / She ought to be locked up and never released / The world was such a wholesome place until / Cruella, Cruella De Vil.

Cruella: [over the phone] Oh, Anita, what a dreadful day. I just saw the papers. I couldn't believe it.
Anita: Yes, Cruella, it was quite a shock.
Roger: What does she want? Is she calling to confess?
Anita: Roger, please!
Roger: Oh, she's a sly one, she is!

Roger: Look, Anita! Puppies everywhere!
Anita: There must be a hundred of them!
Nanny: One, two, three and four... seven... eight, nine...
Roger: Two more. Nine plus two is eleven...
Nanny: Thirty-six over here!
Roger: Thirty-six and eleven? That's forty-seven.
Anita: Fourteen... Eighteen, Rog.
Roger: Uh, eh... sixty-five!
Nanny: Ten, eleven, twelve... Thirteen!
Anita: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Six more.
Roger: Well, let's see, now... That's eighty-four... and fifteen plus two... A hundred and one!
Anita: A hundred and one? My, where did they all come from?
Roger: Oh-ho, Pongo, you ol' rascal!

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Ben Wright Facts
Has a son and a daughter.

Portrayed Hey Boy on CBS Radio's "Have Gun, Will Travel" (1958-1960).

When he voiced Grimsby in The Little Mermaid (1989), no one working on the film realized that he also voiced Roger Ratcliff in 101 Dalmatians (1961). He had to tell them this.

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